What cupping therapy does

How cupping works:
An easy way to think of the big picture with cupping as a therapy is to think of it as a re-awakening of tissues.  If you have kids, the following example may help.  When you tell your kid to clean their room, they go upstairs for a while. You THINK they are doing exactly what you told them to do.  Later, you ask them if they cleaned their room..  They say, ‘Of course I did, just like you said’… So you believe them and let it go.  Sometime later you go up and see there is still a mess…  So this is pretty much how the body works.  The nervous system (brain), or ‘mom’ or ‘dad’ tells the kid (the distant tissues) to clean up.  The brain has lots to do, just like mom and dad, and cannot constantly check everything, so it  assumes all is well… Now, as cupping is concerned,  let’s go back to mom, dad, and the kid for a moment.  Say the light goes out in the room.  Mom  goes in to change the bulb and see the room is a mess, and tells  the kid to get back in there and clean up.  This is what the cup does on one level. It notifies the nervous system that attention is needed in the tissues.  The nervous system responds with a cleanup action.  This is how detoxification occurs.  Things build up in tissues just like they do in a child’s room.  If ignored, eventually dis-ease (lack of ease) occurs in the household (arguments, rolling of eyes, slamming of doors, etc.…) Cupping helps the tissues run at-ease as well as maintain homeostasis and balance in a ‘forgotten’ area.

Cupping changes the pH of tissues.  The pH means the amount or ‘potential’ of Hydrogen ions in a given solution.  Those with many Hydrogen ions bound to them are generally alkaline or ‘high’ pH.  Those with few or are giving off Hydrogen ions are considered acidic or ‘low’ pH.
The pH scale is on a 0 to 14 scale, with 14 being very alkaline and 0 being very acidic.  Distilled water is at 7 or neutral.  That basically means it does not give Hydrogen ions (acid) or receive Hydrogen ions (basic).
Our bodies have a multitude of ways to maintain a proper pH.  But, what is normal???

The ‘normal’ or most efficient pH of blood it 7.4.  To understand this, too low of a pH in blood could be from poor oxygen exchange in the cases of hypo ventilation, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, near drowning, loss of consciousness etc.  This would require the use of oxygen and a bicarbonate to ‘buffer’ the acid.

On the other hand, hyperventilation or too much O2 can cause the blood to be more alkaline and will reduce the breathing.  A pH of blood that is too high or too low would result in coma and eventual death.
The body is designed to deal with this in many ways.  You can change the breathing pattern and change the pH easily, next is to urinate out acids and the excess Hydrogen ions, then we can sweat, defecate or even take some of the calcium from bone to buffer the acids in the plasma.   Foods also make a significant difference in pH.

Urinary pH should be around 6.5 (slightly acid) to 8.0 (slightly alkaline) but then can become more alkaline in the evening as you have eaten and are releasing electrolytes (7.5 to 8.0).  Too much acid in the body would make the pH of the urine drop below 6.5.

Salivary pH should be between about 6.5 and 7.5.  So also, a rather narrow range.  This can change with foods eaten, amount of hydration, stress, and other biome factors. (Biome is the natural bacteria and other critters living on and in us.)

Cupping: the real deal.
  1. When the cup is placed on the skin, the practitioner will pump air from the bell shaped cup and cause a vacuum. This vacuum will, because of negative pressure in the cup, cause the skin to be pulled upward, making a bulge.

  1. As the skin is pulled up, a deep suction is created in the underlying tissues, which moves fluid (interstitial fluid, intercellular fluid, Lymph, (blood) and plasma). The fluid will change its place, thereby causing a further void that will be filled with other fluids nearby.  This new imbalance causes the vessels to open and bring more water and fluid into the area and help to wash out any toxins that were stuck due to poor circulation.   Not to get too technical, but it is this  action of hydrostatic pressure that moves the fluid.  Then as the fluid has moved to a new area, changing the concentration of fluid proteins, electrolytes and other solutes, they are further moved with osmotic pressure of water, depending on where and how concentrated the ‘stuff’ is in the fluid.

  1. Basically this is what is called Sterling’s Law of Capillaries. Hydrostatic pressure, also called fluid pressure, pushes more at the arteriole areas and pushes water out of the vessel into the interstitial space (space between cells, but outside the vascular system); then the water may travel into a cell (intercellular fluid) or eventually to the lymph capillary to be taken back up to the vascular system at the subclavian veins.  Then osmotic pressure, because of plasma proteins ‘sucks’ the water at the venuoles side… (See the diagram)
  2. Cupping causes a total, yet temporary, disruption of this process. Think of it as the opposite of massage pressure.  Instead of pushing, you are pulling.  This allows fluids to flow in directions they usually do not.  The body’s natural response is to re-regulate the fluid composition and redistribute the fluids back to a more ‘normal’ area.

  1. Stimulation of new blood, lymph, plasma, and intercellular fluid or interstitial fluid flow to areas where it has been removed by the vacuum or negative pressure.
  2. Toxins are generally cellular debris, lactic acids from anaerobic burning of glucose, Carbonic acid from respiration, acidic ketone bodies, and sulfuric acids from other metabolic processes.

  1. Once the fluids have been taken out of their regular environment, the histamines, heparins and other chemicals released by the stimulation of the cupping open the surrounding tissues and allows ‘flushing’ of the fluids back into lymph and blood capillaries. Also, because of the forced imbalance of the cells, spaces between the cells and fat cells, more actions are required by the cells, tissues and surrounding areas to regain their harmony (homeostasis) in the cupped area.

When the kidneys, liver and lungs cannot process these issues and become over worked, the body will naturally put the toxins ‘in storage’ so they can get to them later.  This usually will be in the underlying fat of the skin.   The cupping action is that of a vacuum.  It pulls the tissue and therefore the fluids through the different compartments and, over time, will stimulate the body to clear it out.
Cupping is quicker than acupuncture, massage or even chiropractic at getting toxins to release and be processed.
Cupping can also help you determine the extent of an issue…
-Demonstrates the severity of the congestion (see below)
-Demonstrates the location of the most congestion and stagnation.
-Can stimulate the liver, kidney, lungs and skin to work more efficiently.
A body in motion moves fluids through pressure changes both from within and on the outside.  The gentle bellows action of the normal breathing process, movement of muscles when walking or doing exercise help fluids change places.  Other ways you can get this is with massage, stretching, and other normal activities.  Many times people are rather sedentary; they work at jobs that require sitting, then go to a vehicle that offers the same.  Since they are tired, they simply go home and sit on the couch, then go to bed.  This is far too little movement of the body and will inevitably lead to stagnation and eventual breakdown.
Take the example of bed sores, called stasis ulcers.  When people are bed ridden and cannot move, the fluids in the body begin to settle and ooze through their normal position toward the ground.  The first signs are redness, then an oily sheen on that part of the skin as the plasma and lymph are oozing through.  Soon the tissue will become irritated and not be able to transfer out carbon dioxide or get oxygen, thereby becoming acidic. It  starts to break down.  That leads to an ulcer (an open lesion of the skin). The ulcer is susceptible to dis-ease from bacteria, becomes  active in the acidic environment and does  not have  good blood flow, which impedes the natural cleaning process by the blood (do you mean red?) and white blood cells.  Once bacteria get going, they can be difficult to stop.  Most people who are bed ridden do not have a great immune system to begin with. That can begin a cascade of trouble, leading to sepsis and eventual death.
Cupping is not the only answer, of course.  It is one tool.  The first and foremost way to ensure there is good flow is to move.  Exercise, get massage, do some stretches!  Let us imagine you have had a back injury. To help your body through this injury, your  muscles tighten,  the blood flow decreases and then your blood can become still and stagnant, making it difficult to clean out.  I suggest only a few sessions to get things going, and you can get the whole process in motion and find quicker relief. (? Did not understand last sentence.)
An occasional ‘tune up’ is a good idea and I suggest once a month or so, with a follow up visit. ).The chart below will show you what to look for.   As areas go from congested through to good healthy blood flow, you will find more relief.  Someone with spots after cupping that are on the left side (healthy Blood Circulation) will have a pink-ness that will go away in a day or so.  They only need maintenance, for example, once every few weeks depending on their activity levels

All ‘scripts’ can be found on our blog:  https://thenaturalbodyworks.blogspot.com

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
                Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog https://drseanthompson.wordpress.com/...

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.

Cleanse hacks, have you detoxed?

People come in asking about cleanses. When it comes to the liver I always use this picture (the whole scene really) as a good example of how the liver can work.
In this scene Lucy and Ethel get a job boxing chocolates… (think of them as the liver itself, sorting and packaging toxins and nutrients correctly to be either used, stored or excreted…) In the process they become overwhelmed by the amount of chocolates on the conveyor belt. This results in a hilarious thought process on Lucy and Ethel’s part in that they put them in their pockets, down their shirts and in their mouths to keep them from going off the conveyor… (think of this as the liver, if overwhelmed, will store the toxins in fat, or keep it in circulation where it can irritate the other tissues. Now, keep in mind the liver is an amazing machine that sorts and coordinates the distribution of nutrients and toxins. It is an amazing detoxifying laboratory and makes many of the things our bodies need to keep healthy… It is also a store house for sugars and vitamins we need. The idea to take from this is that when your system is overloaded or that your ‘liver’ does not work as well it can cause havoc and build up toxins in fat tissue that CANNOT be released until there is enough time and such for the liver. Clean out your conveyor belt by doing a fast, cleanse the colon and small intestine… it will get everything out of the system for a time and let the liver catch up. Do a liver cleanse (empty those pockets Lucy!) and clean up. A full cleanse takes time, but intermittent breaks are a great way to give the whole system a rest and improve its effectiveness.
Message me for a weekend cleanse plan. It is easy, promise…
Check out my video on cleanse hacks here:  https://youtu.be/Ax8cmch_usY
Dr. Sean
Dr. Sean’s Combo Cleanse…
I have been using cleanses, prescribing them, researching them and combining them for over 20 years with really good success.  Any cleanse you do is a good thing.  Some require an amazing amount of time, and in my experience that is only sometimes true.  A small cleanse is better than no cleanse at all.
Cleanse:  If you want, do any of the steps for three days, but stagger them, at least one day.  So Day 1, salad, Day 2 salad AND bowel cleanse, Day 3 Salad, bowel cleanse AND Gall bladder cleanse.  You can use the master cleanse throughout or do it at another time.
  1. Larger roughage salad, kale, celery, spinach, okra, anything with LOTS of fiber. This is something you have to CHEW a lot… it stimulates the whole digestive system to work and gets the parasympathetic nervous system a boost. This will help you relax actually… The next steps won’t… lol..  The idea is that with chewing you stimulate the entire digestive system to start up.  This gets the part of your nervous system (the parasympathetic) to work, secreting mucus throughout the system, creating enzymes, and special secretions for the food.  Add nuts too that way you really have to work out the jaw.   I buy a big family size variety pack from the store.  No reason to get all organic yet but that is an option.    Juicing, although nice.  Is not an option for this cleanse…

  1. OR: DO this broth and Veggie stew. Very rich in minerals.  Get one of every vegetable you can find that grows UNDER ground.  Beets, Carrots, Potato, Parsnips, Celery root, Rutabagas, etc… set in a large pot with LOTS of water, bring to boil and then simmer for up to an hour.  All the vegetables will likely be mash but it is the water that you want.  Eat those veggies with light seasoning for each of the days and drink the broth… all of it…

  1. Next day…. Bowel cleanse… (eat the salad or ‘stew’ as well today) Think of how many times a day you have a bowel movement.  Go for three times that much over a day or up to three to really clean out.  Think of how much food you eat each sitting, a handful?  Two? Three?   You should at least be releasing half that right?  There are five OPTIONS choose one or two or do them on separate days… If they are strong, be careful with the dosage, it just makes the whole bowel release and it can be a doozy if you are not near easy access to the restroom.  You have been warned… LOL  (I speak from experience)   Here they are listed from easiest to most aggressive.
    1. Senna tea: not as strong as the Cascara, you can use this frequently.  This one is good for kids too.
    2. Vitamin C… 2,000 mg, then follow with 250 to 500 mg each hour until you get results. This is a good one if you are just hanging out at home. It is not too dramatic but release can be pretty voluminous.
    3. Cascara sagrada tea: This is strong, be prepared.   It is a smooth muscle stimulant.  You will get lots of gurgling and maybe even some cramping.  That means it is working.  Be strong, and fast.
    4. Magnesium Citrate: Get it at the drug store, strong too, but dosed well.  Usually lemon flavored.  This is well measured, the Epsom salt listed below is variable and more ‘powerful’.
    5. Epsom Salts: drink in your least favorite juice…  You will know why later.  This is STRONG… read label on carton for more.  Can get results within half an hour…

  1. Gall Bladder cleanse, do a day of the bowel cleanse first… So this day, have the salad or stew, also do the bowel cleanse and THIS.
    1. Get ¼ cup olive oil…
    2. Get ¼ cup lemon juice. Real is best, but do what you can.
    3. Mix and drink it ½ hour before bed. Lie on RIGHT side.
    4. Although some have more release from the bowel, and sometimes foamy, or ‘different’ some have no change at all. You may feel tingling or gurgling in the gut especially when lying on the right side.  This is the gall bladder emptying.  This will help get the liver to move bile through and clean itself out.

  1. You can also do the Master Cleanse at the same time… I modify it… Here is how. I make a bunch a head of time and drink it over the next few days.  Can use it AS ‘the cleanse’ too if you do not take any food during that time.  Can use up to 20 days with food or 10 without…
    1. 16oz water
    2. One teaspoon chlorophyll (good for liver) (OPTIONAL)
    3. Ginger (good for liver and gut) Juice or grated and juiced… about ½ teaspoon. (OPTIONAL)
    4. One teaspoon maple syrup (grade B is best) Or can use Black strap molasses (it has more minerals)
    5. 1/10th teaspoon cayenne pepper.
    6. Juice of 1 lemon or two tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar.

Cupping therapy blisters

Cupping Therapy Mishaps, When things go wrong:
What to do if…
In cupping as a practice, like any type of health care procedure, things can go not as planned.  In fact, you can hurt yourself or others with most health maintenance products.  One can cut a gum with dental floss; rupture an ear drum with a ‘Q-Tip’, or cut yourself with a simple razor.  You can also overdose on the myriad of over the counter medications available at any local store, many with fatal results.  Did you know, for example, that over 1,000 people a year die from taking Tylenol as it is suggested ON the label?!
Some of the mishaps can occur even with the most conscientious practitioner.   The best defense is a good offense with this and I would like to explain what I mean by that.
Most of the issues we will see with cupping are very minor indeed; however, knowing how to handle an unexpected problem can make all the difference, if you are prepared.  Here is a list of the most common and what to do about them.  While we are using a cupping system and technique that avoids fire, we generally do not have to worry about the most common injury in fire cupping, that is, burns.  Please refer to the section on contraindications and precautions to keep these from happening….

  1. Bleeding mole or mark: If you placed the cup near a mole that is raised or at all different from the surrounding skin, it can tear or open and bleed.  This is a simple fix.  First, stop the cupping on that area and remove the cup.  Use a cotton ball or gauze swab to clean any blood off the skin.  Make  sure you stop the bleeding with direct pressure.  Clean the area well and place a Band-Aid on the open skin.  You may choose to tell the person having cupping to use some Neosporin and to watch the area for proper healing.  Make sure and follow up over the next few days to see how it is going.  Reassure the ‘client’ that it can happen in rare occasions and is largely inconsequential.  Any infection should be followed up with a more qualified practitioner.

  1. Severe bruise: In this case we see a bruise that seems to last too long.  Remember the lesion you created is not a true bruise.  A bruise is a breaking of blood vessels and ‘frank blood’ leaking into the surrounding tissues.  Reassure the client and have them use a cold pack for pain if they experience this.

  1. Skin irritation: Stop the cupping if you see increased redness around the cup, or if the client complains that the cupping itches.  It is simply too much pressure.  Release some of the pressure in the cup but keep it in place for the duration of the treatment.  If irritation occurs after the cupping session, it may also be a sign that the tissues were very closed off, and the new flow of fluids are stimulating new flow of nutrients and toxins out of the system.  If this is too irritating or they notice swelling that lasts more than a day or two, this means they are VERY toxic and will need much more treatment.  Heat then, would be the choice of treatment.  A good Epsom salts bath can help.

  1. Health Care Crisis’ i.e. feeling worse after a session: This is common when there is  poor energy in the body to handle the toxins that were stirred up by treatment.  Here, the best treatment is lots of good fluids and get some rest.  The client should be reassured that this can be expected only once or twice ever and that future treatments will be more invigorating for sure.  If the feeling of cruddiness lasts more than two days, it is best to get to a more qualified practitioner for an evaluation. There  may be something else going on not really related to the cupping.

  1. Prolapsed or bulging vessel: This can happen when cupping is done on one of the areas you should not be doing it on… so make sure you follow the precautions.  If this does happen because of too brazen cupping, press the area with a finger and place a cold pack on it as soon as possible.  If the vessel ruptures you will see lots of bruising.  Best not to do any more cupping on that area until completely healed, and then consider other areas.

  1. Blisters filled with water: This happens when the tissues of the patient are too tight, acting like wood.  There is no good capillary flow and the lymph is sluggish at best.  The blisters may pop.  If not, it is best to pop them on the most inferior aspect and let them drain.  Make sure they stay covered as this is open skin.  It is very common that they leave red marks ‘lesions’ for up to a couple weeks.    In the future consider massage or ‘moving’ cupping technique.

  1. Infection: In the very exceptionally rare event of any type of infection:  That is, heat, redness, pain, and swelling in the area. Stop cupping until the infection is cleared and get to the real cause of their illness.  Refer to another provider as soon as possible.  Any area that may have broken skin or that you might think has infection, cover with Neosporin and watch it closely for a few days for signs of healing.   Treat it as you would any injury to the skin.

  1. Broken skin, tearing: This is most common in older people that have paper thin skin and are generally poorly hydrated. The skin can tear like wet paper.  Avoid further cupping and make sure the area is covered and let to heal properly.  Maintain communication with the client about this, and that they need much more integumentary hydration and collagen.  They should consider strong doses of Vitamin C to help with skin repair.  Other nutritionals should also be considered.   Make sure that they are hydrated and keep that up as well as something to hydrate and help the skin.

  1. Pain during cupping: This is common in first timers as well as when you get a little too aggressive with the cupping.  Check in with the client every few minutes.  This therapy can be uncomfortable, but too much pain just stresses the client.  Release some of the pressure by pulling the tab at the top of the cup.  Then you can add more pressure by using the pump gun for another light pump or two.

  1. Emotional releases: This is left for last because it is the least expected and can be one of the most disturbing for both the client and practitioner.  Often the client is too stressed to receive cupping for this session; however, you both choose to do it at this time.  There is no lasting trouble here, so be confident and compassionate.
Here is what to do.  First, have the client stay still if they can, and loosen the cups but do not remove them… Then have the client breath out longer than they breathe in.  When they exhale do it as if they are fogging their glasses to clean them. This enhances the tone of the Vagus nerve and they will soon relax.  Offer simple ‘holding of a space’ support.  There is no need to talk it out unless they are willing and ready.
In fact, let them initiate.  Explain to them that occasionally, emotional energies get caught up in tissues and can be released with such therapies.  It is really a great sign that healing or detoxification is occurring on multiple levels is possible, and the release is a great sign.  Comfort and rest are the best treatment now.  Future treatments may or may not have the same response.  Just go with it.    Catharsis is a good thing.  The safe space you have created allowed this to blossom forth.

All ‘scripts’ can be found on our blog:  https://thenaturalbodyworks.blogspot.com

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
                Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog https://drseanthompson.wordpress.com/...

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.

Types and styles of Cupping therapy

Types of cupping
  1. Weak or light cupping: This is just as it says, light and easy.  One pump or so, left for a short time, to begin the stimulation of the movement of the fluids.  This is great for first timers, children, the skeptical, and frail.

  1. Medium or strong cupping: As you work up to this level, you will see more stagnation and more movement of the fluids.  This is, in my opinion, the best technique.  You can work up to it either over multiple visits/treatments or during a treatment.  Basically an extension of weak cupping.

  1. Moving cupping: (Negative Pressure Massage) this is a great technique for muscle pain, and for stress care (Emotional, mental, spiritual or energetic).  Use the meridian charts to move the energy and stagnation out, as well as to enhance or reduce the flow of Qi energy.  You can use oils to help the cups slide across the skin.  It is difficult on bony areas and areas that are in corners etc… Finnish cups are either silicone or a form of latex that are flexible and work really well for muscle tightness.   You can also affect the myofascial system greatly with this technique.  Similar is a technique of pulling or moving the skin that is held under the cup.

  1. Needle or puncture cupping: Also called wet cupping.  In this technique, though, we are using cupping along with acupuncture and are only attempting to get one drop of blood.  This causes a healing event and can help the body with swelling and with chronic issues.  Proper technique requires good cleaning and sterile equipment.

  1. Moxa or hot cupping: Sometimes a piece of paper is set alight and placed in the cup.  Usually when the cup is placed on the body the paper burns away and sticks to the top of the cup.  It can burn the patient.  It can be infused paper with certain herbs, or have certain prayers of sayings written upon them to enhance more subtle healing.  I do not prefer this, as again we are playing with fire… on many levels.

  1. Empty or flash cupping: This is a misnomer really; it is very quick and repetitive to get some redness.  We are not leaving the cups on more than a couple moments.  Good for use on the face, and some areas that have lots of vascularity or lymph tissue.   This is also good for the very fatigued as it can increase Qi energy movement.

  1. Wet or bleeding cupping: Found typically in western medicine and Middle Eastern medicine.  Here, cuts are placed in the skin then the cups pull out the stagnant blood or morbid humors[1]… This is a big hazard for infection, but even so,  it is quite popular.  The blood needs to be properly discarded and cleaned.  I find it disagreeable and rather advanced.  I do not think I would have it done to me unless I was in a dire condition.

  1. Herbal cupping: Placing herbal liquids or tinctures in the cup can help deliver them into the tissues directly.  Works great with tinctures made with alcohol.  No burning is necessary.  We can do this one with the vacuum cups.  It can be messy and may cause some irritation on the skin.

  1. Water cupping: The cups are placed in very hot water and then placed on the body; this heat transfer causes the vacuum phenomenon.  It is primarily used with either horn or bamboo cups.  We do not use it because it can also burn the person as well as create a wet mess.

  1. Fire cupping: This involves the use of spirits such as rubbing alcohol as the fuel.  The fuel is rubbed inside the cup and set alight, then the cup is placed on the body.  The fire depletes the oxygen in the cup and creates a vacuum and suction.  We do not do this type of cupping for a few reasons.  First of all, fire burns stuff.  The cup can become hot and can burn the skin or scorch the skin.  It only allows for a single application per cup at a time.  You cannot easily adjust the suction.  This is perhaps one of the oldest ways to cup.
All ‘scripts’ can be found on our blog:  https://thenaturalbodyworks.blogspot.com

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
                Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog https://drseanthompson.wordpress.com/...

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.

Cup Therapy marks

First of all, the marks are NOT bruises.  Bruises are areas where the blood has left the vessel because the vessel has been crushed or torn. The ‘frank’ blood has escaped into the surrounding tissues.  “Frank” blood is blood that is liquid red.  Nothing special.

In the more holistic forms of health care we have four examination points to consider to get a whole picture of the patient’s overall health.   In more focal techniques that are used in hospitals and ‘Western’ medical offices they usually rely of only the main complaint.   Most of these were developed thousands of years ago before x-ray or MRIs became even a dream.  The four diagnoses are; looking, listening, smelling/tasting, and touching (palpation).

The looking diagnosis is used here in the cupping technique because we need to see the marks left by the cups to determine how much stagnation there is.  Looking diagnosis takes into consideration the skin, eyes, hair, tongue, tone and color of the lips etc.  These can give a good indication of how healthy the person is generally.  However, people that use many products such as hair gels, conditioners, makeup, cover-ups and such can be more difficult to diagnose correctly.   To use looking diagnosis on a patient beforehand we hope to determine the following.  Skin tone and color, determine if the skin is too dry, or there are mottled portions (colored patterns) also look for moles, skin tags, scars and the like.  These can determine changes in the cupping technique, placement or time of treatment.

Listening diagnosis:  Not only listening to the patient as to why they are getting cupping it is important to know their expectations of what they think it will do for them.  Also the tone and volume of voice can indicate other issues such as weakness, nervousness, etc.  In traditional Chinese theory as well as Ayurveda certain sounds relate to specific organs or energy centers.

Smelling and tasting of a patient is rather weird, but having that knowledge can help you determine other factors of the health and dis-ease processes of the patient.  Here, with cupping we do not need to smell or taste anything.  The practitioners of old would smell breath, urine, taste skin etc to find core causes of disease.

Felling diagnosis is also called palpation.  We will use this to feel for very tight areas and how loose or tight the tissue is we are cupping on.   In traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture practice we use the pulse to determine problems.  In cupping you can use touch to find where to put the cups, where to avoid putting them (like on boney areas) and the like.
So now that you have completed cupping on a person you see a variation of colors, textures and other ‘signs’ what do they mean?

The first spot.  Darkened purple to almost black spot.  This is a severe stagnation sign and there is good chance that the toxins have now been released for the body to process.  It is the most desirable sign in cupping.   It means you have gotten much of that dark, stagnant blood up to the surface. We will recheck each three or four days until there are not any more spots to do.  We try to give at least five days for each spot to completely ‘heal’, although some bilirubin signs may remain for up to two weeks.  This is also a sign that the overall system is challenged.

The second:  Moderate stagnation:  This is a more red than purple spot.  A good sign toxins have been released as well, but they were not as stagnant as long. You may notice this after a couple sessions on the same person.  It means you have gotten some of that deep dark stagnant blood to the surface.  It may mean you only have a few more treatments before you are ‘clear’. There may be blisters or clear fluid as well.  This level would require some visits to clear out. I usually suggest after the first visit to wait five days and then do another session.  The spots will generally turn a yellowish green as the bilirubin of that stagnant blood is processed.

The third: ‘Healthy’ do not be fooled by this.  Look carefully.  You may have not put the cups on strong enough or left them on for enough time,  although it can be seen on someone who  has a healthy system and who is  releasing toxins effectively.  Still this therapy can help them ‘stay on top’ of it.  Sometimes the client is too dehydrated to have cupping do anything. Sometimes they are too tight.

Massage and heat before cupping will help this open up.
The fourth:  Spotted with pink to lavender background.  Lots of congestion and toxins that are having a hard time moving.  This can be painful even.  Consider heat with or before cupping to help them release toxins.   The tissues are too tight to release the stagnant dark blood but you have managed to pull some of it forward.  The background may be a greenish lavender color. These people need lots of work.

The fifth: Lavender to yellow appearance.  This is the worst case as it usually means (traditionally) that there is a nerve or bone problem.  A sign of severe stagnation that cannot be released yet. This sign is not good and luckily not too common.  I have found it in people with very chronic diseases that are usually on significant amounts of prescription medication.   There are other treatments that will help these people become more comfortable and stable before more treatment.   Remember, cupping is no silver bullet; however   it is a great tool and will help the body regain homeostasis.

Sixth: Blisters, you may see water filled blisters and no other redness under the cup.  This is a different kind of stagnation bordering on outright dryness.  Think of a river bed.  It is not wet enough to be muddy, but if you pick up dirt and squeeze it, water may come out.  The patient needs  much more fluid and fluid movement.  Treat as much as you can, even daily.   Best to release the fluid if the blisters are big, and cover.  Continue treatment after the blisters have healed.  Make sure the patient does lots of hydration (in and out) before next treatment.  They  may benefit more from massage therapy.

Seventh:  Redness around the cups.   This is from a histamine response.  These people may have allergies or some form of autoimmune disorder.  Other than that, any of the above can occur.  They may have itchiness after treatment.  Itchiness is a histamine reaction and goes away quickly.  If the histamine reaction (a reddish halo) is large, it can be an indicator that the body is already in an inflammatory response somewhere (or everywhere).  If it does not show it could be normal for darker skin or show that the histamine reaction is too slow.  People that take antihistamines may show no halo.  Remember, the interior of the circle will be any of the above possibilities.

The ‘Halo’
Here we see a different pattern with a normal treatment time.   The inner area of the circle is somewhere between moderate to normal in appearance, it may even have some lavender look to it.  However, on the outer rim is a halo of moderate to severe stagnation.  This is mostly due to tightness of the tissue as when the patient is over stressed, poorly hydrated, or needs more treatments.   Occasionally the center will look lavender or dark only to disappear when the cups are removed.  This is a deeper set of toxins and will take longer to get the desired result.

Note:  People with very dark skin will show up differently.  Be observant and watch for the same signs but in darker colors.   Try not to be fooled by those of more olive skin, they can frequently show greenish or yellowing which is not Jaundice or anything to be concerned with.
How Cupping Works; the physiology of cupping.
Theory of fluid motion:  The fluids in your body are based in water- most around 95%. The blood is about 60-70%, with many different components. It includes proteins, minerals, oxygen and carbon dioxide, among many others.  We are going to consider it all the same for a moment.  When fluid is moved from its space in the body, it will flow back or be replaced by the body to maintain and regain a sense of homeostasis or balance.  Water likes to flow to its own level…
Cupping will move fluids to areas they are not commonly in, and this will cause a replacement effect. The fluid will be removed and replaced with the right mix of water and dissolved things (solutes)…

We know that life is motion and motion is life.  Fluid motion that is smooth and easy is the best way to maintain our health.  Think of a creek… if it flows easily, it collects no crud and does not become stagnant. A lot can grow there, happily and well.  Too fast and nothing can grow.… Get it?
This is part of the series ‘Cupping Therapy’ I have the complete book with diagrams available on Kindle.  The class is held at my office in Parker Colorado.  Please check out our office The Natural BodyWorks LLC.  http://www.thenaturalbodyworks.com

All ‘scripts’ can be found on our blog:  https://thenaturalbodyworks.blogspot.com

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
                Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog https://drseanthompson.wordpress.com/...

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.

A two day cleanse you can do with a normal life.

Want to do a cleanse or fast? 
This is a way to do one and actually have a life.
Dr. Sean’s Combo Cleanse…
I have been using cleanses, prescribing them, researching them and combining them for over 20 years.  Using them myself with really good success.  Any cleanse you do is a good thing.  Some require an amazing amount of time and effort.  Many cleanses are 10 days or more.  I have found that more frequent small or short cleanses are easier and help build up the habit of better living.  A small cleanse is better than no cleanse at all.
Cleanse:  Do any of the steps for three or four days.  Day 1, salad, Day 2 salad AND bowel cleanse, Day 3 Salad, bowel cleanse AND Gall bladder cleanse.  You can use the ‘master cleanse’ throughout or do it at another time.
  1. First day and each day as long as you want to do this cleanse. Larger roughage salad, kale, celery, spinach, okra, anything with LOTS of fiber. This is something you have to CHEW a lot… it stimulates the whole digestive system to work and gets the parasympathetic nervous system a boost. This will help you relax actually… The idea is that with chewing you stimulate the entire digestive system to start up.  This gets the part of your nervous system (the parasympathetic) to work, secreting mucus throughout the system, creating enzymes, and special secretions for the food.  Add nuts too that way you really have to work out the jaw.   I buy a big family size variety pack of salad from the store.  No reason to get all organic yet but that is an option.    Juicing, although nice.  Is not an option for this cleanse because you do not chew and chewing is an important part of this.

OR:  Do this broth and Veggie stew. Very rich in minerals.  Get one of every vegetable you can find that grows UNDER ground.  Beets, Carrots, Potato, Parsnips, Celery root, Rutabagas, etc.… set in a large pot with LOTS of water, bring to boil and then simmer for up to an hour.  All the vegetables will likely be mash but it is the water that you want.  Eat those veggies with light seasoning for each of the days and drink the broth… all of it…

  1. Second day, begin…. Bowel cleanse… (eat the salad or ‘stew’ as well today) Think of how many times a day you have a bowel movement.  Go to three to really clean out, if you already go that much all the better, it is to set up a better schedule.  Think of how much food you eat each sitting, a handful?  Two? Three?   You should at least be releasing half that right?

There are five OPTIONS choose one or two or do them on separate days… If they are strong, be careful with the dosage, it just makes the whole bowel release and it can be a doozy if you are not near easy access to the restroom.  You have been warned… (I speak from experience)   Here they are listed from easiest to most aggressive.  Start with the recommended dose on the package, if you are not seeing a change the next day (as in more volume and frequency) then up the dose.
  1. Senna tea: not as strong as the Cascara, you can use this frequently.  This one is good for kids too.
  2. Vitamin C… 2,000 mg, then follow with 250 to 500 mg each hour until you get results. This is a good one if you are just hanging out at home. It is not too dramatic but release can be pretty voluminous.
  3. Cascara sagrada tea: This is strong, be prepared.   It is a smooth muscle stimulant.  You will get lots of gurgling and maybe even some cramping.  That means it is working.  Be strong, and fast.
  4. Magnesium Citrate: Get it at the drug store, strong too, but dosed well.  Usually lemon flavored.  This is well measured, the Epsom salt listed below is variable and more ‘powerful’.
  5. Epsom Salts: drink in your least favorite juice…  You will know why later.  This is STRONG… read label on carton for more.  Can get results within half an hour…

  1. On the third an additional days, Gall Bladder cleanse, do a day of the bowel cleanse first… So this day, have the salad or stew, also do the bowel cleanse and THIS.
    1. Get ¼ cup olive oil…
    2. Get ¼ cup lemon juice. Real is best, but do what you can.
    3. Mix and drink it ½ hour before bed. Lie on RIGHT side.
    4. Although some have more release from the bowel, and sometimes foamy, or ‘different’ some have no change at all. You may feel tingling or gurgling in the gut especially when lying on the right side.  This is the gall bladder emptying.  This will help get the liver to move bile through and clean itself out.

  1. You can also do the Master Cleanse at the same time… I modify it… Here is how. I make a bunch a head of time and drink it over the next few days.  Can use it AS ‘the cleanse’ too if you do not take any food during that time.  Can use up to 20 days with food or 10 without…
    1. 16oz water
    2. One teaspoon chlorophyll (good for liver) (OPTIONAL)
    3. Ginger (good for liver and gut) Juice or grated and juiced… about ½ teaspoon. (OPTIONAL)
    4. One teaspoon maple syrup (grade B is best) Or can use Black strap molasses (it has more minerals)
    5. 1/10th teaspoon cayenne pepper.
    6. Juice of 1 lemon or two tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar.
This is a pretty easy cleanse but it can be a powerful way to get your entire system moving better.  It can help you with absorption, elimination and the whole process of digestion.  Doing this once a month is enough for most people to reset a little.  There is no need to spend too much money for supplements and all kinds of ingredients you can get at the supermarket.
More advice:  Do this with a friend, or a group.  Get on line and do it on Facebook or something.  These are always better with others and this one is not too drastic nor is it too aggressive.
Take three or four days, that’s all.  Do this and you will know you did something good for your body, feel better and start a new tradition (habit) of better living.
Many patients that have done this have reduced meat, fatty foods, junky foods, and sodas, and all that stuff we know is ‘bad’ for us.  We just need a little help with a little cleanse.
Good luck, let me know how you are doing and if and how I can help you.
Contact me directly at drsean@thenaturalbodyworks.com
or check our FaceBook NaturalBodyWorksPaker
Remember also we have a very active YouTube Channel, please check it out, like the videos and subscribe to get the latest!  YouTube Channel for Natural BodyWorks

All ‘scripts’ can be found on our blog:  https://thenaturalbodyworks.blogspot.com

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
                Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog https://drseanthompson.wordpress.com/...

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.

Moved and downsized.

 Now for the rest of the story... In late August our landlord, Harvey passed away after a short illness.  He was a great friend and person I...