Electrical Acupuncture pen and the Kidney Meridian

I have been making little videos on how to use the meridian acupuncture pen.  This is the script I use for the Kidney meridian.  I am only doing points from the knee down for the lower extremity so that people can get used to what the pen feels like on the different points. 

Here is a link to the video I did.  Please check it out and feel free to like, share, and comment.  Don't forget to subscribe! 

Here is a link to get one:
Here is the link for the pen on Amazon. https://amzn.to/2XoiLin

KIDNEY Meridian (Electric Acupuncture Pen)  Filmed 12/17/2019

There are 27 points in this one, Kidney starts on the bottom of the foot and ends on the upper chest.  (right around where a nerve called the vagus comes close to the surface). , it is a YIN meridian and can be related to all things adrenal and to do with energy.  Emotionally it is the seat of fear. It is a water element so there can be lots of movement with it. It nourishes the bone marrow so can have lots to do with anemias (the marrow is where blood cells are made by the release  of the hormone erythropoietin from the Kidney itself. Funny how this is 3500 year old info… whereas erythropoietin was discovered in France about 100 years ago. .  
K1- On the sole of the foot, where the forefoot meets the arch.  It is commonly used for patients that have headaches, blurry vision, dizziness, loss of voice, sore throat, as well as hot sensation of the sole of the foot and constipation. 
K2- anterior and inferior to the medial malleolus in the depression of the lower border of the tuberosity of the navicular bone.  It is used for prolapse of the uterus, pruritus of the vulva and groin, irregular menstruation, There is even mention of treatment of TRISMUS or lockjaw from tetanus infection. 
K3- IN the depression between the medial malleolus and the calcaneus, At level with the tip of the medial malleolus.  It has been used for people suffering from sore throat, toothache, deafness, ringing in the ears, dizziness, asthma, impotence frequency of urination, good for fear and lower back pain.  
K4- This one is posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus in the depression medial to the calcaneus tendon.  It is good for bloody sputum (hemoptysis) asthma, stiffness of the lower back, depression, dementia also it can be used for strengthening the will, for people that are timid, and dispels fear. 
K5- one inch below K3, on the medial side of the tuberosity of the calcaneus.  (These ones make a kind of loop. This point is commonly used for amenorrhea, or irregular menstruation, painful periods. Prolapse of the uterus. 
K6- In the depression of the lower border of the medial malleolus, 1” below.  This one is used for uterine problems, itching in the groin, urinary bladder problems like frequency and retention, also good for insomnia, and good for the eyes, can also be used to dispel fear. 
K7- on the anterior border of the calcaneus tendon, 2” above K3, It is used for edema, abdominal distention,  diarrhea, belly rumbles, atrophy of the foot, night sweats, swelling of the foot toto. 
K8- ½ “ in front of K7, 2” above K3… on the posterior part of the fibula. This one is also good for irregular periods, problems of the uterus, painful periods,diarrhea, constipation, oddly enough for swelling and pain in the testes. 
K9- 5” above K3, at the lower end of the gastrocnemius.  This is an odd one, used for mental disorders, especially anxiety and fear based issues.  Good for pain in the foot and legs.  
K10- When the knee is flexed, the point is on the medial side of the popliteal fossa, between the tendons (semimembranosus, and semitendinosus)   This one helps people with , knee pains, as well as some areas of the groin, including painful urination, uterine bleeding that is NOT normal, and even impotence. . 

Spleen meridian and the electrical acupuncture pen.

So here is the text for the info on the video ( Linked here: )
If you would like to buy one for yourself, click on this link... https://amzn.to/2XoiLin
The spleen meridian has 21 points, it starts on the big toe, on the medial side.  It ends at the mid axillary line right between the 12th rib and the armpit.  The spleen is the seat of stress and worry, pensiveness. Unable to feel secure (insecurity) and therefor is like having diarrhea, you just don’t know… There are 9 points below the knee we will cover in this video.
The spleen is a Yin organ, it really is the pancreas if you think about it.  We know the spleen has immune function as well as recycling red blood cells. The pancreas helps to get nutrients from food with its enzyme reactions.  Also it controls the blood sugar levels with the production of insulin as well as glucagon. Spleen has no actual digestive function as discussed in many books.  It does deliver the recycled red blood cells parts to the liver for storage and redistribution. But that if for later.
SP1- On the medial corner of the big toe.  This is for abdominal swelling, blood in the stool, lower Jiao bleeding.  (menstrual and digestive.) It is also used for sleep problems like disturbing dreams, general mental health and convulsion.
SP2-Medial toe at the metatarsal-phalangeal joint (where the toe meets the foot) at the ‘fish’ skin mark…  This one is also for abdominal swelling, bloating, distention, gastric pains, indigestion. Diarrhea and constipation.  Helps to normalize functions of the lower abdomen.  
SP3- on the medial portion of the foot, at the proximal point of the joint of the 1st metatarsal.  (head or distal part of the metatarsal, before It widens on the fish line.  This one is good for not only the lower abdominal digestive issues, but the General heaviness of the body, ‘borborygmus’ (tummy grumbles) as well as just plain sluggish feeling.
SP4- distal and inferior to the base of first metatarsal, proximally.  This one can be good for plantar fasciitis but is commonly used for the lower abdominal issues like the ones previously mentioned.  You can feel the foot pulse with these.
SP5- In the depression distal and inf. To the medial malleolus (inner ankle bone) halfway between tuberosity of the navicular bone and the tip of the medial malleolus.   It is good for the same abdominal issues, generally. This is a great one for foot problems.
SP6- (IMPORTANT) San-Yin-Jiao.  3” directly above the top of the malleolus.  This one is a great one to calm irritability, heals and helps with fear and worry.  It is the cross over point of the Liver, Spleen, and the Kidney energy channels. This one is not only for the abdominal issues (bloating, diarrhea, constipation, borborygmus, distention…) but also can help with sterility, delayed labor, other sexual dysfunctions, as well as insomnia and pain in the lower limbs.  This one is a great point for stress care and relaxation. 
SP7- 3” above sp6 or 6” above ankle, medially.  This one also good for lower abdominal issues and coldness, numbness, and paralysis of the leg and knee and good for swelling of the ankle.
SP8- Counting from the medial tibia, 3” from the SP9.  This one, in addition to the abdominal issues. Can be used for irregular menstruation and nocturnal emissions in males.  
SP9- On the lower border of the medial condyle of the tibial, in the depression on the medial border of the tibia.   Can be used for edema of the leg, jaundice, dysuria, incontinence and knee pain. It is one of a group of four that are great for knee pain, it corresponds with part of the Saphenous nerve which basically follows the meridian

Moved and downsized.

 Now for the rest of the story... In late August our landlord, Harvey passed away after a short illness.  He was a great friend and person I...