We (chiropractors and other natural health providers) have had a hand in the health of people in many ways throughout our histories. Sometimes we are berated (at least for a while) until we are found to be correct... (a whole history lesson is in there)...
What do you do in the current events? How will you find us in history? I watched this video: https://youtu.be/QAHi3lX3oGM He outlines some things that SHOULD have been done, how medicine and politics and social media fail so many people. In there is a little gem that you as a natural health care provider PROBABLY told people to do. Look it up.
That is the guide, look at the nutritional info... something many, if not all natural health providers have told many throughout the years of flu season and the like now the big 'disease that cannot be named online'... I posted a few posts on blogs, Facebook and YouTube that were deleted or erased for simple things like drink more water, do breathing exercises and other totally unharmful practices... This outlines how we can help people ask the right questions, get the right information and not be afraid, because fear will fuel every disease (dis-ease)... Keep treating, fear and stress are deadly and your work helps (or should help people) dispel fear, improve relaxation and calm thinking...