You may be old enough to remember the Margarine commercials 'Don't fool with Mother Nature' campaign. It was followed by the 'I can't believe it's not butter' one we mostly know.
I was taught that the natural processes of the body need to be respected, well learned and worked WITH instead of against. That is the basic definition of wholistic in health care. Not 'allopathic' which is what modern Western medical doctors practice. Instead of working with the body, we try and overcome its natural processes, force action, speed time, hold back death. An allopath basically gives cold for heat, heat for cold etc. He or she does the opposite of what the body is doing to control it to an imaginary or often arbitrary 'normal'...
Imaginary, arbitrary? Really? When studying the body and the way it works (physiology) we find a range not a set point. Everyone knows someone that runs a little cool or a little warmer than the set point temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Some people have a resting blood pressure well above or below that 120/80 mmHg we all are taught. In fact, temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, weight, hydration, pulse oximetry values are no more than a snap shot of the constant flux of levels our bodies go through.
I have had a few patients that had very stressful events occur and began to feel 'not well'. My advice was always natural treatments, relaxation, good food, water, chiropractic and acupuncture... Well, that is what I do. They would go to their medical doctors on my advise to 'get checked and make sure it is not something else'. They would come back with diuretics or other pills to help with blood pressure. This is good! I would tell them, they needed something to show them they needed to take better care of themselves and this might be just the thing. If I could convince them to get rest, change their diet (even just a LITTLE) they would see the benefit in no time. Without fail this happens, they change just a few small things, get their stress under control (or like all things it changed). and then all the sudden start feeling 'not well' again. Over the years I have had the luck to learn to look back to the start of things. I would take blood pressure, find it was far too low. That meant the pills WORK! That is excellent.
We don't take a pain killer when there is no pain unless...
I would suggest to these patients to talk to their prescribing doctors and lower or eliminate the medication as the problem has passed. Not ONE has ever done that. I have had the doctors tell the patient all sorts of things to keep them under care. One fellow, had his blood pressure under too good control, it was so low he was getting dizzy and feeling tired. His doctor told him he HAD to remain on the medication for life. Now he simply needed a pacemaker implanted to up his heart rate to a more normal level. I cannot tell someone to stop a prescription and I don't ever. I would rather work WITH the medical doctor and find some answer. The patient stopped the medications on his own. 'Against Medical Advice' or with a disclaimer AMA, and sent on his way. Quickly his heart rate and pressure was as normal as could be expected for his age.
When we take any pill for too long it causes more trouble and may be a sign of addiction. This of course needs care. Care that medicine usually does not have time to do. Instead fear and hopelessness are instilled in small conniving ways that gaslight a patient into thinking they are more ill than they are. Basically a 'Munchausen' situation.
The distrust of the natural ability to heal.
When I got to Colorado from the Los Angeles area of California I was appalled at the number of patients that were having or had some orthopedic surgery. Granted, Colorado is a very active state, people are out and about a lot. My office demographic was just not that group like they were in California. In my California office I had many more active patients, sports, firefighters, police, construction workers and lots of other manual labor people. Almost none would even consider a surgical repair. Of course the socioeconomic differences and cultural differences (in California I had many Hispanic and Asian patients, in Colorado it was very few in comparison).
So many people were almost excited to get a surgery for what I often considered a mild to moderate issue that would very likely respond well to very conservative care and a more 'natural' approach. Second surgeries are also a thing, the explanation was often that the surgery was indeed successful, but the degeneration had progressed and needed to be repaired.
This all denied and dismissed the natural ability of the body to heal, repair and rebuild all on its own if given the right 'ingredients'. I have had many patients tell me their doctors would suggest a very strong steroid and if that did not work, a surgical procedure to repair a problem with the large or small intestine. Not once did I see a patient that told me of the dietary changes that needed to take place to help the gut heal. In fact I used to teach mindfulness and meditation techniques to a group of 'ostomy' patients. These people had either a colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy. I would sit through a class and listen to their stories. Interestingly very very few spoke about the diet changes they made. Some actually were there to find ways to eat what they did before and not have to bear with the consequences. It was surprising.
People have no trust of nature. They would so much rather just take a pill or cut out the offending organ. It is certainly easier in the short run. Later there is scar tissue, other side effects etc.
That brings us to the current healthcare crisis in the world. People are terrified because of the news, social media and pharmaceutical companies reports and recommendations. Always skewing the story to highlight the benefits of medicine rather than ever promoting self care, home care, nutrition, supplements, rest, relaxation techniques, exercise, or herbs. Well the obvious reason is there is a lot more money to be made with a patented pill than telling someone to eat more apples...
People post how happy they are that they are getting the latest injection. That THEY were in the first group to get a booster, are taking the latest 'FDA' approved medicine. While those that are doing self care are afraid to tell anyone in fear they will be labeled a loony or 'Antivaxer' or in the worst case, not let into some event or have their children be at risk for a visit from the social worker. It is amazing that natural health is so underground.