Enzymes for inflammation
Many people know and understand that enzymes are useful in weight loss as well as for digestion. However, there is a little known super benefit of some enzymes. They can help with inflammation including arthritis, sinusitis, and ...
First of all we have to understand what we are talking about. Enzymes are actually proteins made by certain cell organs called organelles. More specifically they are made by a little cell organ called the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum merely means it appears rough under a microscope and that it is inside the plasma or gel that makes the cell matrix. The 'reticulum' part means the same as a reticulated python, you know those big snakes? They do not commonly coil but instead just fold up, reticulated. Anyway, that little organelle (little organ) makes proteins for a living depending on what the nucleus of the cell determines based on the DNA of the cell. It could be a hormone, a neurotransmitter, a lipid fat, a carbohydrate or even an enzyme.
Enzymes are proteins. Well, most of them are, the enzymes we are talking about here are. There are at least 50,000 kinds of enzymes that make all your metabolic actions run smoothly. In fact, you cannot live without enzymes. Most are what are called catalysts. Catalysts are things that speed up a reaction. Think of gasoline as a catalyst to a fire. It speeds ups a reaction that is already occurring.
Most of us know enzymes are used to help digest food. It is pretty well accepted that your enzymes for digestion start to decrease in quality and quantity after about age 35. This is why some foods will bother you more after 35, especially foods eaten late. I used to have an 'iron stomach' could eat a hearty meal at ten at night then sleep like a baby. Now, if I eat heavy red meats after 7:00 p.m. I will be up half the night with some sort of gastric distress.
Interesting fact. Pepsi, derived in part from the word pepsin which is an enzyme your pancreas makes to help you digest proteins once was a digestive elixir. Enzymes have been known for a long time to help digestion. Pepsi has been on the market since 1898! To help a condition called dyspepsia. (basically indigestion, or not digesting well).
Basically, enzymes are proteins, they may help you in many chemical functions of your body including digestion. Here I will show you how they can help with inflammation.
Now that we understand a little more about enzymes, we can now look at inflammation.
Inflammation is a natural process your body goes through constantly. Whenever there is an injury to the body the infammatory process begins. It is controlled by certain white blood cells that help you maintain a good chemical balance in your body.
Inflammation on a bigger scale has four main signs we can see. If you get poked by a thorn there is a reaction... actually there are four reactions going on. In Latin we learned them as Rubor, Calor, Dolor and Edema. In plain English that is Redness, Heat, Pain and Swelling, respectively.
When there is an injury like a poke from a thorn, white blood cells called Mast Cells, they make and release heparin which reduces blood clotting so things can get to where they need to and histamine which attracts other cells called Macrophages (big eaters) to help in the clean up of an injury and damage.
Enzymes help this process along and help in the cleanup and repair of the tissues that were damaged. Some enzymes help those macrophages eat faster or more so they can do more work, some help with repair and others can slow down other process we want to hold for a bit. These are generally the proteolytic enzymes.
I had been prescribing patients enzymes for digestion for years before I really looked into the inflammation process and how enzymes can help. In the 1990's it was still kind of considered a bunch of hooey that nutritional supplements can do much. There are still some that think that way, but now with more studies and experience (empirical evidence) we are starting to see more acceptance of what works and why. I was speaking with some friends about their dog which was having problems with some food allergies and fur and skin troubles. This dog was a big guy and was pretty old so he was showing some slowing down because of arthritis. They had started giving him enzymes for digestion originally and then noticed that he was doing better on all fronts in just a couple weeks. They were giving the enzymes as treats, because they were chew-able. I too was giving my dogs some enzymes commonly for digestion mostly because they liked the smell and taste. When ever I was taking them they begged me for them.
Here is a list of some of the most useful enzymes for inflammation.
Protease (breaks up proteins), Papain (from Papaya, good for proteins), Bromelain (from pineapple, a big anti inflammation helper), Amylase (for carbohydrates and sugars), Amylogucosidase ( ), Celluase (helps with cellulose, the cell walls of plants), Invertase (Changes sucrose to a more usable sugar for cells), Pectinase (helps break down pectin that is in apples and most fruits ), Lactinase (works on Lactose which is a sugar common in dairy ), and Lipase (for lipids and fats). These main ones not only help you with basic digestion of what you eat, but also help with many processes that can help individual cells. Some help with reducing the swelling (edema) or maybe increasing blood flow (remember heparin and histamine from the Mast cells?)
Ok, so now we know more about enzymes and what they can do as well as what inflammation is. Now what? Well, I have worked with a company called Xymogen to produce a product just for inflammation AND digestion. I call it 'Inflamma-Zyme' It has all the enzymes I mentioned and more!
I have been getting patients that have had surgeries on it, improving their healing times. I have prescribed it for people that have chronic muscle tension and even fibromyalgia with really good success. I don't push supplements at my office. I do offer them and so far, almost everybody comes back and buys more. Because it works for them.
You don't have to buy my supplement, but I would appreciate it. You could also simply clean up your diet and add foods that naturally have those enzymes or the building blocks of the enzymes.
So think of these questions if you are considering starting enzymes-
Are you over 35 and have noticed digestion just 'aint' what it used to be?
Do you feel bloated? (That is a sign of inflammation)
Do you have arthritis? Sinusitis? Fibromyalgia?
Even Ileitis, colitis, gastritis, hepatitis... (Notice the pattern? Pretty much any word that ends in 'itis' is an inflammation process.
Do you have chronic muscle pains in the back or shoulders? or pretty much anywhere.
Do you get dyspepsia?
Now, if you answered yes to at least two of those I think your are a great candidate, but don't think it is a panacea (a medicine that cures everything) because it is not. The body and each condition is very unique and needs a real good look to really be understood. Enzymes like these can help, but they may only be a small part of a much bigger set of supplements and even medicines you may need to get your body back to its best functioning.
If you want the enzymes that I have from my office you can come on in and pick up a bottle, or contact me via email and we can make sure you get a bottle or two my mail. They are $23.00 + Shipping and handling which will depend on where you live. You will get a bottle of 60 vegetarian caps from my very own label: Dr. Sean's Formulas!
Many people know and understand that enzymes are useful in weight loss as well as for digestion. However, there is a little known super benefit of some enzymes. They can help with inflammation including arthritis, sinusitis, and ...
First of all we have to understand what we are talking about. Enzymes are actually proteins made by certain cell organs called organelles. More specifically they are made by a little cell organ called the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum merely means it appears rough under a microscope and that it is inside the plasma or gel that makes the cell matrix. The 'reticulum' part means the same as a reticulated python, you know those big snakes? They do not commonly coil but instead just fold up, reticulated. Anyway, that little organelle (little organ) makes proteins for a living depending on what the nucleus of the cell determines based on the DNA of the cell. It could be a hormone, a neurotransmitter, a lipid fat, a carbohydrate or even an enzyme.
Enzymes are proteins. Well, most of them are, the enzymes we are talking about here are. There are at least 50,000 kinds of enzymes that make all your metabolic actions run smoothly. In fact, you cannot live without enzymes. Most are what are called catalysts. Catalysts are things that speed up a reaction. Think of gasoline as a catalyst to a fire. It speeds ups a reaction that is already occurring.
Most of us know enzymes are used to help digest food. It is pretty well accepted that your enzymes for digestion start to decrease in quality and quantity after about age 35. This is why some foods will bother you more after 35, especially foods eaten late. I used to have an 'iron stomach' could eat a hearty meal at ten at night then sleep like a baby. Now, if I eat heavy red meats after 7:00 p.m. I will be up half the night with some sort of gastric distress.
Interesting fact. Pepsi, derived in part from the word pepsin which is an enzyme your pancreas makes to help you digest proteins once was a digestive elixir. Enzymes have been known for a long time to help digestion. Pepsi has been on the market since 1898! To help a condition called dyspepsia. (basically indigestion, or not digesting well).
Basically, enzymes are proteins, they may help you in many chemical functions of your body including digestion. Here I will show you how they can help with inflammation.
Now that we understand a little more about enzymes, we can now look at inflammation.
Inflammation is a natural process your body goes through constantly. Whenever there is an injury to the body the infammatory process begins. It is controlled by certain white blood cells that help you maintain a good chemical balance in your body.
Inflammation on a bigger scale has four main signs we can see. If you get poked by a thorn there is a reaction... actually there are four reactions going on. In Latin we learned them as Rubor, Calor, Dolor and Edema. In plain English that is Redness, Heat, Pain and Swelling, respectively.
When there is an injury like a poke from a thorn, white blood cells called Mast Cells, they make and release heparin which reduces blood clotting so things can get to where they need to and histamine which attracts other cells called Macrophages (big eaters) to help in the clean up of an injury and damage.
Enzymes help this process along and help in the cleanup and repair of the tissues that were damaged. Some enzymes help those macrophages eat faster or more so they can do more work, some help with repair and others can slow down other process we want to hold for a bit. These are generally the proteolytic enzymes.
I had been prescribing patients enzymes for digestion for years before I really looked into the inflammation process and how enzymes can help. In the 1990's it was still kind of considered a bunch of hooey that nutritional supplements can do much. There are still some that think that way, but now with more studies and experience (empirical evidence) we are starting to see more acceptance of what works and why. I was speaking with some friends about their dog which was having problems with some food allergies and fur and skin troubles. This dog was a big guy and was pretty old so he was showing some slowing down because of arthritis. They had started giving him enzymes for digestion originally and then noticed that he was doing better on all fronts in just a couple weeks. They were giving the enzymes as treats, because they were chew-able. I too was giving my dogs some enzymes commonly for digestion mostly because they liked the smell and taste. When ever I was taking them they begged me for them.
Here is a list of some of the most useful enzymes for inflammation.
Protease (breaks up proteins), Papain (from Papaya, good for proteins), Bromelain (from pineapple, a big anti inflammation helper), Amylase (for carbohydrates and sugars), Amylogucosidase ( ), Celluase (helps with cellulose, the cell walls of plants), Invertase (Changes sucrose to a more usable sugar for cells), Pectinase (helps break down pectin that is in apples and most fruits ), Lactinase (works on Lactose which is a sugar common in dairy ), and Lipase (for lipids and fats). These main ones not only help you with basic digestion of what you eat, but also help with many processes that can help individual cells. Some help with reducing the swelling (edema) or maybe increasing blood flow (remember heparin and histamine from the Mast cells?)
Ok, so now we know more about enzymes and what they can do as well as what inflammation is. Now what? Well, I have worked with a company called Xymogen to produce a product just for inflammation AND digestion. I call it 'Inflamma-Zyme' It has all the enzymes I mentioned and more!
I have been getting patients that have had surgeries on it, improving their healing times. I have prescribed it for people that have chronic muscle tension and even fibromyalgia with really good success. I don't push supplements at my office. I do offer them and so far, almost everybody comes back and buys more. Because it works for them.
You don't have to buy my supplement, but I would appreciate it. You could also simply clean up your diet and add foods that naturally have those enzymes or the building blocks of the enzymes.
So think of these questions if you are considering starting enzymes-
Are you over 35 and have noticed digestion just 'aint' what it used to be?
Do you feel bloated? (That is a sign of inflammation)
Do you have arthritis? Sinusitis? Fibromyalgia?
Even Ileitis, colitis, gastritis, hepatitis... (Notice the pattern? Pretty much any word that ends in 'itis' is an inflammation process.
Do you have chronic muscle pains in the back or shoulders? or pretty much anywhere.
Do you get dyspepsia?
Now, if you answered yes to at least two of those I think your are a great candidate, but don't think it is a panacea (a medicine that cures everything) because it is not. The body and each condition is very unique and needs a real good look to really be understood. Enzymes like these can help, but they may only be a small part of a much bigger set of supplements and even medicines you may need to get your body back to its best functioning.
If you want the enzymes that I have from my office you can come on in and pick up a bottle, or contact me via email and we can make sure you get a bottle or two my mail. They are $23.00 + Shipping and handling which will depend on where you live. You will get a bottle of 60 vegetarian caps from my very own label: Dr. Sean's Formulas!
Website: https://www.thenaturalbodyworks.com
Discus: https://discus.com/by/rev_sean
Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address: 12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
Colorado 80134
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