This doctor, Semmelweis was trying to improve the survive-ability of his patients that had just given birth. He had tried to go after the lowest hanging fruit, the most obvious and easy things to change. He changed the way that women gave birth, on their backs instead of on their sides... He changed the environment, sounds, lighting etc. With no success.
Then he started to wash his hands.
Some accounts say water and hot sand, some say chlorine bleach solution. Either way... it worked. His patient's mortality dropped significantly. He was ridiculed for doing something not 'approved', or even studied... (Sounds like chiropractic and acupuncture today). and was send away. He set up a clinic and mandated that everyone wash their hands. The mortality rate dropped and people flocked to the clinic where your survival was more likely.
Other doctors took notice. They came to see what the big deal was and what he was doing that was so 'revolutionary' . Dr. Semmelweis was fired for using non proven and non scientific procedures. This was just around the time of the germ theory was developing. No such thing as Penicillin was even thought of yet. All of that, only 175 years or so back. Remember, even 'modern' Western medicine is barely out of the dark ages.
The next time your medical doctor (or any health care provider) tells you something you are doing for your health is a bunch of 'hooey', just remember Dr. Semmelweis.
He died in an asylum at the age of 47... from sepsis (infection) after being beaten there... yay Allopaths! (Allopath is a medical doctor here in the West. Basically means to treat with the opposites. Cool that which is hot, dry that which is wet, etc. )
Do your own homework, get good info, use your common sense, ask around. There are LOTS of ways to treat things. In chiropractic history, we had a motto...
'Anything can cause anything and anything can cure anything...' (in other words, sometimes you just don't know...)
With health and healing for you...
Dr. Sean
Dr. Sean at Natural BodyWorks in Parker Colorado is a holistic
healer, chiropractor, acupuncturist and dry needle practitioner. He produces these videos to help patients
and friends live better more comfortable lives.
A little levity and education go a long way in his opinion. All information is original, and opinion of
Dr. Sean Thompson for educational purposes only. Any background music or visuals are incidental
and not copyrighted. Comments and
questions are welcomed, and will be responded to as soon as possible. Dr. Sean runs The Natural BodyWorks in Parker
Colorado, has been practicing for over 20 years and is available daily at his
office. Thanks!
Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address: 12539 N.
Highway 83, Unit B
Colorado 80134
Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also
see it on my blog
The information in these videos are for education only,
there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion. Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music,
video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education
and or satire. Use your own brain, go
see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.
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