Dry needling for muscle spasms. with video

Dry needling is a technique in acupuncture that goes after muscle spasms.  Muscle spasms that are chronic can become the ‘new normal’ when it comes to the nervous system.

Dry Needling is a great way to loosen the muscles because of chronic tension.  

A quick example video.

Step 1:  Find the muscle spasms, directly with palpation (through touch).
Step 2: Clean the area…
Step 3: insert needle and find the twitch…
We use a little thicker needle than the normal acupuncture needle.  Usually needles for acupuncture are about .22 mm diameter.  That is really small.  Dry Needling needles can be around .30 mm diameter.  Although it does not seem like much it can really make a huge difference.
The needle is placed in the core of the muscle spasm.  Muscles have very specific patterns that are pretty consistent for the average person.  Some people can have very unusual presentations of spasms and trigger points because of multiple injuries, old over lapping injuries, and scar tissue.
In the lower back, for example, the psoas is a common muscle that can recruit the piriformis and the quadratus lumborum.  Getting the MAIN muscle is more important.  Once you get the muscle ‘pinned’ you will see or feel a little twitch.  We have to really watch now because other muscles around that have been helpers will twitch.  Those are important to go after in later visits.
How long does it take?  Depends on a few factors; first, the age or chronicity of the spasm, the associated points involved, the other muscles that help it and the general health of the patient.  Some patients will need more just because their constitution is poor for some other reason (chronic disease, old injuries, scar tissue, or surgeries).
You should see a difference almost immediately, but there will be soreness the next couple days and you may have some bruising.  You may also have a small bump where the needle went in, this is called a hematoma, and is harmless.
Associate points:  These are points along the traditional meridian that will help the muscle relax over the longer term and help be a little more holistic in the treatment regime.

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
                Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog https://drseanthompson.wordpress.com/...

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.

Cupping for detoxification, some facts to think about.

Cupping for detoxification and healing.
Cupping is an amazing and very old technique to help the body detoxify and heal.  It has its origins in Asia as long as a thousand years ago and is still used today because it is so safe and effective.   You can also find this and similar techniques being used in Poland, Russia and Finland.

When toxins and cell waste cannot be removed through the natural processes of lymph drainage and blood flow the body becomes fatigued and can become ill.  Some people will only feel tired or sluggish when they have an overabundance of waste fluid stuck in the skin and underlying muscles and tissues.

We call this stagnation; the holding of those fluids that must be removed and cleared out for the cells to work correctly.  This can happen because of an old injury, an old muscle tear, car accident, fall, or any form of chronic disease. IMG_20150819_172836IMG_20150819_174440

With the cupping we lift the skin and force the fluids into different areas, this does two things.  First,  it sets into motion a cascade of healing that jumpstarts the body to clean the area, and two, it helps release those toxins to get back into the correct circulation where they can be cleared and clean.
What Cupping is good for…
-Chronic issues of pain, fatigue, or disability
- History of prescription or recreational drug use
-Too much protein in the diet
-Parasite or candida infection
-Exposure to environmental toxins, mold, pollen, chemicals etc.
-Past traumatic events that tend to rear up now and again.
-That feeling of being stagnant or ‘stuck’ in life, relationships, career etc…

When the kidneys, liver and lungs cannot process these issues and become over worked, the body will naturally put the toxins ‘in storage’ so they can get to them later.  This usually will be in the underlying fat of the skin, or in muscles.   The cupping action is that of a vacuum.  It pulls the tissue and therefore the fluids through the different compartments and, over time will stimulate the body to clear it out.
Cupping is quicker than acupuncture, massage or even chiropractic at getting toxins to release and be processed.
Cupping can also help you determine the extent of an issue…
-Demonstrates the severity of the congestion (see below)
-Demonstrates the location of the most congestion and stagnation.
- Can stimulate the liver, kidney, lungs and skin to work more efficiently.
Cupping details.
Does it hurt?  It can feel uncomfortable, especially if the tissue is over congested and tight or you are dehydrated.  So drinkplenty of good water before and after a session.
Skin-reaction-e1439944357306 How long will those marks last?  That depends on how deep the stagnation and how ‘healthy’ your system really is.  Usually the marks last a couple days.  Sometimes, with deep set stagnation that is chronic, a yellowish mark may remain for a couple weeks.  This is an indication that much more work needs to be done.
What should I do about the marks?  Nothing, they are a natural and very expected result of good cupping.  Keep them covered and warm, as the ‘opening’ of that area will release a lot of energy and heat.  You can be more susceptible to chills and further trouble if they are left uncovered, especially for the first day or so.  Also, the marks are more ‘open’ than the rest of the skin, be mindful of what you put on your skin.  Natural and medicated oils will be more potent.
When you make an appointment simply plan to be in the office about 40 minutes.  This gives us time to evaluate, do the treatment, re-evaluate and suggest home/self-care.   Drink water or eat before coming for the treatment, you will relax even more and avoid uncomfortable nausea and dizziness which occasionally occur.
Who should NOT have cupping?
-Open skin, lesions, rashes, inflamed skin
-Sun burned skin… that just hurts…
- Dehydration
-Bleeding disorders, hemophilia, thrombocytopenia (platelet issues)
-Certain medications:  Coumadin, Warfarin, blood thinners etc..
After cupping it is common to feel coolness or a light feeling.  Your energy will go up or down depending on how your body reacts to the cupping treatment.  Best plan is to schedule 4 or 5 treatments over a month period to cleanse the entire area and facilitate healing in the most efficient way for you.
See you soon!!

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
                Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog https://drseanthompson.wordpress.com/...

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.

Good vibes from negative ions.

Good vibes from negative ions.

There has been lots of talk over the years about these 'negative ions' and how they are so good for you.  It all sounded so confusing, how could something negative be good?
Well here you go.
A negative ion is an electrically charged molecule is all.  It has an extra electron floating about it.  Remember from chemistry that there are Protons (which have a positive charge) Neutrons (which are neutral or have no charge) and Electrons (these have a negative charge).  An electrically neutral or stable molecule has an equal amount of Electrons as Protons.  Since Neutrons have no charge they usually have something to do with the weight of that molecule (basically anyway).  Got it?  OK< so now we get to charged atoms (molecules are a combination of atoms... OK, enough of the chemistry already!!!
Where do you find these negative ions???  Here is a list; A shower, waterfall, rain, rain Forrest, mornings, sunsets, babbling brook, beaches... get the idea?  anywhere water moves, or when sunlight hits water vapor.  Notice you feel good enough to sing (or dance) in the shower?  It is the negative ions...   How about that you notice how good life is at sunset?  Yup, negative ions.
Now what about positive ions?  They are made by wind, electrical gizmos, air pollution like smoke and smog...(hydrocarbons) and plastics (synthetic materials) which tend to create a static electrical charge.
So what does the research say about this?   Unfortunately not much.  A lot of guessing at this point, but what we do know is exposure to negative ions makes people feel more relaxed and better (not everyone responds the same way so it is hard to study with double-blind, statistically controlled studies... blah blah blah.)  We do see an increase in Serotonin ( a neurohormone that makes EVERYONE feel better)(http://www.electrostatics.net/articles/air%20ion%20effects.htm) .  It has been studied with people with Seasonal Affective Disorder and other psychological issues related to enclosed environments.  ( http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17151164
So what do Negative ions do?  Here is a list; increase oxygenation of blood and therefore, the brain/ make physiological processes easier in the body/reduction of pain, reduction of stressed feelings (notice I said nothing about stress... that is already there and ions do nothing to stop bills from arriving (for example).   Negative ions reduce depression, they increase happiness, help with concentration... all kinds of things.   No, they do not cure anything.  That is up to your body to do, but having your body work better will help it cure from anything it comes across.  Negative ions reduce particulates in the air (bacteria, viruses, molds, fungi, dander et. al.
So how to get them going in your life?  Get a salt lamp, they are inexpensive and help ionize the room, they are also a great night-light and can be an excellent meditation focus.  Also you can get more plants, go outside more, see a sunrise or a sunset, stand in the rain, listen to it snow... take a nice shower... the possibilities are limitless, be happy for once...

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
               Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog https://drseanthompson.wordpress.com/...

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.


Rotator cuff pain and shoulder injury, surgery may not help.

Rotator Cuff Pain and Shoulder Injury

You can't sleep at night on one side because your shoulder hurts, you start carrying things differently to avoid discomfort, you need help to reach for things on high shelves.  These could all be signs of rotator cuff problems.  The rotator cuff is a series of muscles that help to rotate the shoulder joint. There are four main muscles; the Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor and Subscapularis.

Currently some doctors are guiding patients away from surgery for rotator cuff because it is largely ineffective.  Here is a recent article.

The shoulder is a very dynamic joint, able to move in all directions and with that comes rather lacking stability if the muscles are weakened.  The shoulder is held onto the body by really only one joint, the acromioclavicluar joint (A.C.) as we refer to it sometimes.  The upper arm bone (humerus) attaches to the shoulder blade (scapula) at a place we call the glenohumeral joint.  (G.H. joint for short.  There are many problems that can occur in this very complex and flexible structure.
There are a few issues that come up commonly with the shoulder; labrum tears, (the GH joint), AC separations, rotator cuff injuries, strains, sprains, and even dislocations... not to mention fractures.
The rotator cuff comprises four muscles we like to call the "SITS" muscles.  Just a fancy acronym for the names (Supraspnatus, Infraspinatus, Teres, and Subscapularis)  Now, for you anatomy buffs out there you have noticed I put 'teres' rather than more specific Teres minor... well, I have good reason for that ...  I will get into that later.
So what can you do?

The first thing we have to do is determine if the injury is acute or chronic.  An acute injury is generally new, less than a week say.  A chronic one is obviously more than a week old.  Muscles and the connective tissues act differently in each stage of an injury.  For example, acute swelling can be controlled by a simple cold pack and reduce the amount of activity you are doing with your arms.  A chronic injury to muscle and ligament will have scar tissue, adhesions, changes in the fibers of muscle, which will cause weakness and pain.

The first thing that I check is the alignment of the shoulder; how the shoulder joint is set in place, how the shoulder blade rides on the back etc.  With that we can get a good idea of which muscles are to blame for the trouble.  Next we need to test each muscle for its relative strength.  No, you don't have to lift weights or anything, I just want to see that the muscle is working. if it is not holding up to its job, we have to look at the possibility of nerve problems in the shoulder girdle or neck.  The neck is a common start of shoulder problems because of the nerves and attached muscles to the shoulder.
Once we have discovered what the problem is related to, we can decide on the most appropriate treatment.
Some techniques that I have found to work on these types of injures.  Many therapists and doctors may try one or two here.

1. Gentle manipulations and adjustments to help realign the joint so that the muscles can relax and do the job they were intended to do.
2. Cross fiber massage helps to reduce adhesions and scar tissue giving each muscle better range and healing ability.
3. Triggerpoint therapy helps reduce toxins in over tight muscles and allows fresh blood in to clean and nourish the area. (This is generally part of medical massage)
4. Electrical stimulation Therapy helps improve blood flow, reduce pain, and relax muscle.
Differential diagnosis, means to consider and look into the different possibilities of cause.  Could it be a heart condition that is referring to the left shoulder?  Could it be a gall bladder if it is the right shoulder referring?  These are important to consider, anyone that is working on you should know enough to check.  The treatment that is best is sometimes something entirely different.
To make an appointment or just to ask questions, call me or email me, the info is on my website:

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
               Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog https://drseanthompson.wordpress.com/...

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.


Tactical Mindfulness, awareness and calm

Tactical mindfulness, awareness and calm.  Sounds pretty cools so far?  Let's take the words apart so we can better understand.
Tactics: "Aiming at an end beyond the immediate action" "Adroit planning..." as in skillful use of hands or mind.
Mindfulness:  Being focused and 'on point' with activities and thoughts at hand.
Awareness:  Comprehension of aspects of mindfulness
Calm: The sense of ease.

Teaching meditation and mindfulness for nearly ten years I have worked with military, police, EMTs, paramedics, Nurses, and many that have to have 'it all together all the time" I have noticed working with these folks that they are dealing with different actions than most of us deal with in a given day, but the results are the same. They must act before reaction times allow. Don't we all do this? How bout when someone cuts you off on the road, what is your RE-action??? It is an emotional response in some preset way that can get you all kinds of suffering and upset.

In this session we will discuss personal tactics and how we can begin to change our inner strategy and develop a way to 'be like water'. Water never anticipates an action, it merely acts when appropriate. A small pebble makes a small wave, a boulder makes a large one. This is an essential aspect of our daily success in life itself. Like water, after the stone has splashed, the water again will soon become still and clear.

This is a sitting technique to just let things BE as the ARE, without judgement. Seems like regular meditation doesn't it? This is a little more self guided, we use some imagery and some rehearsal, just like in tactical training. What you practice is what you do. Here, though we wish to gradually develop compassion and wisdom instead of blind action. This process can give you extra time when things go asunder, when they seem to fall apart. Instead of re-acting, you ACT appropriately and instantaneously, going back to your calm SELF sooner, leaving that trouble behind and below...
Great for emergency workers and security forces where instant decisions mean so much. A wise and compassionate action will always be an improvement over an emotional or unprepared action. Think about that.

Some people have stress in everyday activities, not just those that obviously would cause us stress and tension.  Stress of a given activity can be interpreted and perceived differently by different people.
What we are looking at here... General Anxiety Disorder or also Social Affect Disorder, and other names for stress related to everyday events.  That stress, drop by drop, has over flowed its brim.

I have now combined guided meditation and acupuncture to help people with anxiety, worry, stress, angst. confusion, panic attacks, freak outs, mental disturbances, and others.  How?  with age old techniques.  This treatment in no way will hamper other therapies, in fact it will make them more efficient.  This treatment will not get you off your medication directly, but it will help your medicines work better and eventually your dosages will have to be changed.  You WILL get benefit with practice.  You have been practicing stress long enough, isn't it time to practice healing and wholeness??

Meditation training and acupuncture for anxiety, panic attacks, stress, and worry…

Acupuncture treatments are well-known to facilitate relaxation and whole body harmony.  Meditation can enhance the effectiveness of that effect as well as train you to see anxiety rising in your body and give you effective and realistic tools to stop it in its tracks.  We find that worry, stress, and anxiety are common in today’s world.  We also have discovered that if you practice being upset, worried, or stressed you will automatically ‘go there’ when something occurs that is either out of your control or not what you wanted at the time.  Meditation PRACTICE allows us and trains us to see and be in the world in this present moment and to become aware of the changes in our minds and bodies.  With this powerful practice we can better control and guide our minds to live the life we want and deserve.  Not to become a slave to our ‘gut’.

Acupuncture has a very specific set of points that can change person to person for stress, anxiety, depression, worry, and panic disorders.  Once we have determined the pattern you are in, this therapy does not help you identify the cause but instead realize and acknowledge the process and stop it before it ramps up to a full-blown episode.  With a few treatments you can start to feel calm much more of the time, feel balanced, centered and in control.  Therapy will give you the why’s we work on HOW you are going to manage and get through it, effectively.

How the acupuncture will help.  1. It will harmonize the 'Chi' energy that flows throughout and around your body.  2. You must consciously 'tune' into each point as it is stimulated or tonified.  This will help you make a good contact with your whole body.  3. The points used will help the organs to work better together and send information through the Vagus nerve that you ARE relaxed and calm.
How the meditation will help. 1.  You will follow the breath and body, this will have a centering and calming effect on the mind and the coordination of the mind and the bodily action will help you be more'in tune'.  That will help you see (feel) an anxiety attack, panic attack, or feeling of un-ease sooner and enable you to use the techniques I teach you to stop it and calm back down.  2.  You will begin to understand through the practice that you CAN control your physiology and make a difference in your life moment by moment.  3. You will begin to feel more and more confident in your dealings with your anxiety on a day to day and even moment by moment basis.
Check out our website for more:  www.thenaturalbodyworks.com

The course of treatment lasts four months (about half the time of a medication regime).  Twice a week meditation and acupuncture in a safe, calm relaxing environment with an anchoring essential oil formula you can take with you.  The meditation practice will start with tuning into your body while in an acupuncture treatment session, appreciating and really understanding what it IS to BE relaxed.  Guided meditation, specific to YOU is offered along with techniques to use at home and work to enhance the benefit of being HERE NOW… 

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
               Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog https://drseanthompson.wordpress.com/...

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.

Meditation and acupuncture a match made in heaven.

Meditation training and acupuncture for anxiety, panic attacks, stress, and worry…

Acupuncture treatments are well-known to facilitate relaxation and whole body harmony.  Meditation can enhance the effectiveness of that effect as well as train you to see anxiety rising in your body and give you effective and realistic tools to stop it in its tracks.  We find that worry, stress, and anxiety are common in today’s world.  We also have discovered that if you practice being upset, worried, or stressed you will automatically ‘go there’ when something occurs that is either out of your control or not what you wanted at the time.  Meditation PRACTICE allows us and trains us to see and be in the world in this present moment and to become aware of the changes in our minds and bodies.  With this powerful practice we can better control and guide our minds to live the life we want and deserve.  Not to become a slave to our ‘gut’.
Acupuncture has a very specific set of points that can change person to person for stress, anxiety, depression, worry, and panic disorders.  Once we have determined the pattern you are in, this therapy does not help you identify the cause but instead realize and acknowledge the process and stop it before it ramps up to a full-blown episode.  With a few treatments you can start to feel calm much more of the time, feel balanced, centered and in control.  Therapy will give you the why’s we work on HOW you are going to manage and get through it, effectively.
How the acupuncture will help.  1. It will harmonize the 'Chi' energy that flows throughout and around your body.  2. You must consciously 'tune' into each point as it is stimulated or tonified.  This will help you make a good contact with your whole body.  3. The points used will help the organs to work better together and send information through the Vagus nerve that you ARE relaxed and calm.
How the meditation will help. 1.  You will follow the breath and body, this will have a centering and calming effect on the mind and the coordination of the mind and the bodily action will help you be more'in tune'.  That will help you see (feel) an anxiety attack, panic attack, or feeling of un-ease sooner and enable you to use the techniques I teach you to stop it and calm back down.  2.  You will begin to understand through the practice that you CAN control your physiology and make a difference in your life moment by moment.  3. You will begin to feel more and more confident in your dealings with your anxiety on a day to day and even moment by moment basis.
The course of treatment lasts four months (about half the time of a medication regime).  Twice a week meditation and acupuncture in a safe, calm relaxing environment with an anchoring essential oil formula you can take with you.  The meditation practice will start with tuning into your body while in an acupuncture treatment session, appreciating and really understanding what it IS to BE relaxed.  Guided meditation, specific to YOU is offered along with techniques to use at home and work to enhance the benefit of being HERE NOW… 

One of the best things about meditation and acupuncture is that they help each other work better.  Acupuncture is designed to get you to relax, to slow down that sympathetic system of fight or flight and enhance or wake up the parasympathetic system of rest...  Meditation training tries to do the same thing, but when you have them both they are stronger.

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
               Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog https://drseanthompson.wordpress.com/...

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.

Back pain and the disc injury.

Back pain can have many causes, sometimes it is the disc.  The disc is a cushioning cartilage between each of the spine bones called vertebrae.  The disc has a unique structure and is designed to take lots of pressure and other stresses.  Occasionally there can be swelling and even tears in that cartilage.  Here is some information for you and how you can help determine your best course of action.  Don't always believe the doctor that sees you, remember they are selling you SOMETHING... a drug, a shot, a treatment plan, a SURGERY... and we all know we can buy stuff we don't really need.  In this case that can be a life long problem...  buyer beware!
Natural BodyWorks website.
Natural BodyWorks Youtube videos


Back pain and sciatica:  Now here is my territory!  I have helped many stay off the surgeon’s table with the combination of chiropractic, acupuncture and home exercise (stretching). I want to do this for you too. Back pain is going to affect 80% of us at one point in our lives.  I have seen too many choose surgery before trying chiropractic or acupuncture. As a chiropractor back pain is a mainstay treatment for us.  It is something that I treat every day.  Let’s be real though, not everyone can benefit from just a few visits, and healing takes time.  Acupuncture treatments usually go about 20 minutes at a time and about twice a week for about five weeks offer the best results.  However, make SURE you are set up for maintenance to help keep your spine in alignment. Check out these articles below if you want to geek out on this like I do.  Acupuncture is only $60 a visit, and to make it even better, we have plans that make the per-visit charge even cheaper.  Probably a good investment to feel more normal. We offer combination treatments (Chiropractic and acupuncture), only $75 each or we have special schedule pricing to reduce costs and have you feeling better quicker.  Call or text for an appointment 720-325-9886

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
               Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog https://drseanthompson.wordpress.com/...

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.

Ready for a detox and cleanse?

Hacks and tricks for your next detox...

People come in asking about cleanses. When it comes to the liver I always use this picture (the whole scene really) as a good example of how the liver can work.
In this scene Lucy and Ethel get a job boxing chocolates... (think of them as the liver itself, sorting and packaging toxins and nutrients correctly to be either used, stored or excreted...) In the process they become overwhelmed by the amount of chocolates on the conveyor belt. This results in a hilarious thought process on Lucy and Ethel's part in that they put them in their pockets, down their shirts and in their mouths to keep them from going off the conveyor... (think of this as the liver, if overwhelmed, will store the toxins in fat, or keep it in circulation where it can irritate the other tissues. Now, keep in mind the liver is an amazing machine that sorts and coordinates the distribution of nutrients and toxins. It is an amazing detoxifying laboratory and makes many of the things our bodies need to keep healthy... It is also a store house for sugars and vitamins we need. The idea to take from this is that when your system is overloaded or that your 'liver' does not work as well it can cause havoc and build up toxins in fat tissue that CANNOT be released until there is enough time and such for the liver. Clean out your conveyor belt by doing a fast, cleanse the colon and small intestine... it will get everything out of the system for a time and let the liver catch up. Do a liver cleanse (empty those pockets Lucy!) and clean up. A full cleanse takes time, but intermittent breaks are a great way to give the whole system a rest and improve its effectiveness.
Message me for a weekend cleanse plan. It is easy, promise...
Check out my video on cleanse hacks here:  https://youtu.be/Ax8cmch_usY

Dr. Sean’s Combo Cleanse…

I have been using cleanses, prescribing them, researching them and combining them for over 20 years with really good success.  Any cleanse you do is a good thing.  Some require an amazing amount of time, and in my experience that is only sometimes true.  A small cleanse is better than no cleanse at all.
Cleanse:  If you want, do any of the steps for three days, but stagger them, at least one day.  So Day 1, salad, Day 2 salad AND bowel cleanse, Day 3 Salad, bowel cleanse AND Gall bladder cleanse.  You can use the master cleanse throughout or do it at another time.
  1. Larger roughage salad, kale, celery, spinach, okra, anything with LOTS of fiber. This is something you have to CHEW a lot… it stimulates the whole digestive system to work and gets the parasympathetic nervous system a boost. This will help you relax actually… The next steps won’t… lol..  The idea is that with chewing you stimulate the entire digestive system to start up.  This gets the part of your nervous system (the parasympathetic) to work, secreting mucus throughout the system, creating enzymes, and special secretions for the food.  Add nuts too that way you really have to work out the jaw.   I buy a big family size variety pack from the store.  No reason to get all organic yet but that is an option.    Juicing, although nice.  Is not an option for this cleanse…

  1. OR: DO this broth and Veggie stew. Very rich in minerals.  Get one of every vegetable you can find that grows UNDER ground.  Beets, Carrots, Potato, Parsnips, Celery root, Rutabagas, etc… set in a large pot with LOTS of water, bring to boil and then simmer for up to an hour.  All the vegetables will likely be mash but it is the water that you want.  Eat those veggies with light seasoning for each of the days and drink the broth… all of it…

  1. Next day…. Bowel cleanse… (eat the salad or ‘stew’ as well today) Think of how many times a day you have a bowel movement.  Go for three times that much over a day or up to three to really clean out.  Think of how much food you eat each sitting, a handful?  Two? Three?   You should at least be releasing half that right?  There are five OPTIONS choose one or two or do them on separate days… If they are strong, be careful with the dosage, it just makes the whole bowel release and it can be a doozy if you are not near easy access to the restroom.  You have been warned… LOL  (I speak from experience)   Here they are listed from easiest to most aggressive.
    1. Senna tea: not as strong as the Cascara, you can use this frequently.  This one is good for kids too.
    2. Vitamin C… 2,000 mg, then follow with 250 to 500 mg each hour until you get results. This is a good one if you are just hanging out at home. It is not too dramatic but release can be pretty voluminous.
    3. Cascara sagrada tea: This is strong, be prepared.   It is a smooth muscle stimulant.  You will get lots of gurgling and maybe even some cramping.  That means it is working.  Be strong, and fast.
    4. Magnesium Citrate: Get it at the drug store, strong too, but dosed well.  Usually lemon flavored.  This is well measured, the Epsom salt listed below is variable and more ‘powerful’.
    5. Epsom Salts: drink in your least favorite juice…  You will know why later.  This is STRONG… read label on carton for more.  Can get results within half an hour…

  1. Gall Bladder cleanse, do a day of the bowel cleanse first… So this day, have the salad or stew, also do the bowel cleanse and THIS.
    1. Get ¼ cup olive oil…
    2. Get ¼ cup lemon juice. Real is best, but do what you can.
    3. Mix and drink it ½ hour before bed. Lie on RIGHT side.
    4. Although some have more release from the bowel, and sometimes foamy, or ‘different’ some have no change at all. You may feel tingling or gurgling in the gut especially when lying on the right side.  This is the gall bladder emptying.  This will help get the liver to move bile through and clean itself out.

  1. You can also do the Master Cleanse at the same time… I modify it… Here is how. I make a bunch a head of time and drink it over the next few days.  Can use it AS ‘the cleanse’ too if you do not take any food during that time.  Can use up to 20 days with food or 10 without…
    1. 16oz water
    2. One teaspoon chlorophyll (good for liver) (OPTIONAL)
    3. Ginger (good for liver and gut) Juice or grated and juiced… about ½ teaspoon. (OPTIONAL)
    4. One teaspoon maple syrup (grade B is best) Or can use Black strap molasses (it has more minerals)
    5. 1/10th teaspoon cayenne pepper.
    6. Juice of 1 lemon or two tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar.
Other things you can do is to get cupping done while and after your cleanse.  It helps to displace fluids like the lymph which can inadvertently hold on to toxins and not easily let them go.  Movement of the muscles as well as breathing is what moves the lymph fluid around so it can get back to the circulation and be processed.  

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
               Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog https://drseanthompson.wordpress.com/...

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.

Moved and downsized.

 Now for the rest of the story... In late August our landlord, Harvey passed away after a short illness.  He was a great friend and person I...