Meditation training and acupuncture for anxiety, panic attacks, stress, and worry…
Acupuncture has a very specific set of points that can change person to person for stress, anxiety, depression, worry, and panic disorders. Once we have determined the pattern you are in, this therapy does not help you identify the cause but instead realize and acknowledge the process and stop it before it ramps up to a full-blown episode. With a few treatments you can start to feel calm much more of the time, feel balanced, centered and in control. Therapy will give you the why’s we work on HOW you are going to manage and get through it, effectively.
How the acupuncture will help. 1. It will harmonize the 'Chi' energy that flows throughout and around your body. 2. You must consciously 'tune' into each point as it is stimulated or tonified. This will help you make a good contact with your whole body. 3. The points used will help the organs to work better together and send information through the Vagus nerve that you ARE relaxed and calm.
How the meditation will help. 1. You will follow the breath and body, this will have a centering and calming effect on the mind and the coordination of the mind and the bodily action will help you be more'in tune'. That will help you see (feel) an anxiety attack, panic attack, or feeling of un-ease sooner and enable you to use the techniques I teach you to stop it and calm back down. 2. You will begin to understand through the practice that you CAN control your physiology and make a difference in your life moment by moment. 3. You will begin to feel more and more confident in your dealings with your anxiety on a day to day and even moment by moment basis.
The course of treatment lasts four months (about half the time of a medication regime). Twice a week meditation and acupuncture in a safe, calm relaxing environment with an anchoring essential oil formula you can take with you. The meditation practice will start with tuning into your body while in an acupuncture treatment session, appreciating and really understanding what it IS to BE relaxed. Guided meditation, specific to YOU is offered along with techniques to use at home and work to enhance the benefit of being HERE NOW…
One of the best things about meditation and acupuncture is that they help each other work better. Acupuncture is designed to get you to relax, to slow down that sympathetic system of fight or flight and enhance or wake up the parasympathetic system of rest... Meditation training tries to do the same thing, but when you have them both they are stronger.
Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address: 12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
Colorado 80134
Here is the text for the Gall
Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog
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your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.
Thank you for sharing this article. I'm so blessed that the kendall acupuncture recommended to me. All my pain is gone now.