The electrical acupuncture meridian point stimulation pen for the small intestine meridian.
See the video here... Small intestine meridian, acupuncture pen.
The small intestine lies in the belly, surrounded by the large intestine. Its main job (physiologically) is to separate the good from the bad. Take the nutrients from food and get it to the blood stream. it helps release mucus, and is the laboratory to break down all your foodstuffs with specific enzymes that help break fats, proteins and carbohydrates into useful chemicals we can use to support, repair and build our bodies.
In acupuncture theory, we use a little different understanding. The small intestine IS the place we separate bad from good, like wheat from the chaff. Here are the points.
Here is a link if you want to buy one of these. I got this acupuncture meridian pen, also called a laser pen even though there is no laser. Sometimes it is called an electrical meridian pen. It is ok for the price of somewhere between 10 and 30 dollars. I got some and have been using them for self treatment and now getting people to better understand how to use them. Here is a link for the pen to buy on Amazon. A continuation of the work with the electrical acupuncture meridian pen. Today I am going over the first few points on the hand and forearm for the Small Intestine Meridian. Use this to help you really feel the points and be able to locate them easier. The more you know HOW it feels the better you will be at locating and treating them. To answer a couple questions; it does not cure anything. It is a self treatment modality you may find beneficial for certain conditions as mentioned in the video, these are traditional uses of the points and not to be considered a cure, treatment, diagnosis or medial treatment. Use at your own risk and common sense. Dr. Sean at Natural BodyWorks in Parker Colorado is a chiropractor, acupuncturist and dry needle practitioner. He produces these videos to help patients and friends live better more comfortable lives. A little levity and education go a long way in his opinion. All information is original, and opinion of Dr. Sean Thompson for educational purposes only. Any background music or visuals are incidental and not copyrighted. Comments and questions are welcomed, and will be responded to as soon as possible. Dr. Sean runs The Natural BodyWorks in Parker Colorado, has been practicing for over 20 years and is available daily at his office. Thanks! Website: YouTube: Facebook: Google+: LinkedIn: Https:// Pinterest; Twitter: Instagram: Discus: Tumblr: Email: Phone: 720- 325 9886 Address: 12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B Parker Colorado 80134 Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion. Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire. Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question… Not responsible for you, you are. Support us? Share, subscribe, like, comment!
See the video here... Small intestine meridian, acupuncture pen.
The small intestine lies in the belly, surrounded by the large intestine. Its main job (physiologically) is to separate the good from the bad. Take the nutrients from food and get it to the blood stream. it helps release mucus, and is the laboratory to break down all your foodstuffs with specific enzymes that help break fats, proteins and carbohydrates into useful chemicals we can use to support, repair and build our bodies.
In acupuncture theory, we use a little different understanding. The small intestine IS the place we separate bad from good, like wheat from the chaff. Here are the points.
intestine. Has 19 points that begin on the ulnar side of the little
finger(outer) it ends at the where the
jaw opens in front of the ear.
Metal Point. at the ulnar side of the pinky finger nail. Removes obstructions, opens openings. Improves lactation, opens glands of breast. Cloudiness
of the cornea, Clears eyes.
Water Point, When a loose fist is made, where the crease of the pinky ends on
the fish skin. At proximal phalange.
Clears heat, for numbness , fever, headache and ringing in ears. Neck
pain/stiffness. Also for eye.
Wood point, Master and toning point>
when a loose fist is made at the end of the crease that meets the
metacarpal-phalangeal joint. Neck
stiffness, hearing trouble blurry vision, clears the mind.
on the ulnar edge of palm between base of 5th metacarpal and triquetrum
bone. Distal crease!
FIRE point. Near the end of the wrist
crease of the ulnar side. Between the
styloid and triquetrum. Good fir neck
swelling, reduces distractibility.
Clears head for choices. Removes obstructions of the meridian. NOT the intestine per se.
nourishing point. On dorsum (back) of
wrist. On radial side of ulna… Used for pain of shoulder, arm and lower
back. A good one. Relaxes muscles, Brightens the eyes.
Command point for head and neck. Difficult to find. It is in between 5 and 8 (NOT 6 and 8) and
then 1” distal. You may find a tendon there… Good for neck stiffness, headache,
Calms mind, Spasm pain of elbow and fingers.
EARTH point. Sedation point … Where the
funny bone is. Inside on the medial
epicondyle space. Good for pain in elbow and wrist/hand. Removes obstructions and pain in the neck.
Here is a link if you want to buy one of these. I got this acupuncture meridian pen, also called a laser pen even though there is no laser. Sometimes it is called an electrical meridian pen. It is ok for the price of somewhere between 10 and 30 dollars. I got some and have been using them for self treatment and now getting people to better understand how to use them. Here is a link for the pen to buy on Amazon. A continuation of the work with the electrical acupuncture meridian pen. Today I am going over the first few points on the hand and forearm for the Small Intestine Meridian. Use this to help you really feel the points and be able to locate them easier. The more you know HOW it feels the better you will be at locating and treating them. To answer a couple questions; it does not cure anything. It is a self treatment modality you may find beneficial for certain conditions as mentioned in the video, these are traditional uses of the points and not to be considered a cure, treatment, diagnosis or medial treatment. Use at your own risk and common sense. Dr. Sean at Natural BodyWorks in Parker Colorado is a chiropractor, acupuncturist and dry needle practitioner. He produces these videos to help patients and friends live better more comfortable lives. A little levity and education go a long way in his opinion. All information is original, and opinion of Dr. Sean Thompson for educational purposes only. Any background music or visuals are incidental and not copyrighted. Comments and questions are welcomed, and will be responded to as soon as possible. Dr. Sean runs The Natural BodyWorks in Parker Colorado, has been practicing for over 20 years and is available daily at his office. Thanks! Website: YouTube: Facebook: Google+: LinkedIn: Https:// Pinterest; Twitter: Instagram: Discus: Tumblr: Email: Phone: 720- 325 9886 Address: 12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B Parker Colorado 80134 Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion. Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire. Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question… Not responsible for you, you are. Support us? Share, subscribe, like, comment!
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