The Vitamin C flush... All the who's, why's and what fors...

"The stay at home health cleanse challenge"...
Since we are all at home now, it is a perfect time to do a cleanse, the bathroom is near and hopefully you are well stocked with TP.
I will post in the next few days a few cleanses you can do at home, safely and will help boost your immune system and over all vitality. The Vitamin C flush, colon cleanse, a fast, and many other info tips and tricks I have learned and re-dug up from all my books and practice over the last 30 years.
This is not going to cure anything, but it will make your body work better without as much strain from built up endo-toxins that are natural. They do generally get eliminated normally, but when under stress everything can be effected and your system becomes weakened. This is a main factor in staying healthy... enjoy..

From the bottom book, Prescription for natural healing; The ascorbic acid flush (Vitamin C). Vitamin C has been used for a long time for health, that started with sailors getting scurvy (a deficiency of vitamin C where old scars would reopen and the skin and mucus membranes would breakdown. This is one reason English sailors were called 'Limeys' and sailors in general were called 'scurvy naves'and lemon is served with fish! ) Vitamin C helps with maintaining mucus membranes, these are very important as a first line of defense.
How much vitamin C do I need? Well, the recommended daily allowance is only 60 milligrams, that is just enough to keep you from having scurvy.

This is designed for adults (anyone over the age of 14 really) take 1,000 (yes, one thousand) mg (one teaspoon of powdered Vit C) in water or juice. You can get the powder at most heath food stores. They should be restocked by now. Take one teaspoon every hour, keep track of how many. It will cause lots of water and debris (poop) to come out. Now, once you know how much it takes to make you GO, take that and subtract one teaspoon. So if it too three hours (three teaspoons or 3,000 milligrams) only do 2 teaspoons every four hours so that stools (poop) is kinda loose, if too watery, reduce by one teaspoon. Do this for up to two full days. If you eat normally you will notice lots of volume, if you fast, there will still be a surprising amount that comes out. Follow this with a really clean diet and lots of veggies and fruits for a few days. You will notice a loss in bloat, weight, and you will feel rather fresh! Good luck.
I will post another tomorrow!

Contact me for any details or questions.

The Semmelweis Syndrome… How washing your hands became a thing…

Google thing for today 03/21/2020
Dr. Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis was a physician.  A gynecologist by trade and was fired as a doctor and had his license taken away for malpractice.  This was, of all things for washing his hands… In the 1840’s-70’s doctors were mostly interested in surgeries, sound familiar to now???  They did not, as a practice wash their hands, but wiped their hands on a dirty towel or their apron or coat.  Imagine, this is the time of many great wars and surgeons were responsible for most of the care of the wounded.  That care consisted of amputation.  A good saw, a couple assistants to hold the poor fellow down while you go at it.  Then cauterized the wound, cover it in hot wax to seal it and hope for the best.  No wonder so many in the American Civil war died of infection.
This doctor, Semmelweis was trying to improve the survive-ability of his patients that had just given birth.  He had tried to go after the lowest hanging fruit, the most obvious and easy things to change.  He changed the way that women gave birth, on their backs instead of on their sides…  He changed the environment, sounds, lighting etc.  With no success.
Then he started to wash his hands.
Some accounts say water and hot sand, some say chlorine bleach solution.  Either way… it worked.  His patient’s mortality dropped significantly.  He was ridiculed for doing something not ‘approved’, or even studied… (Sounds like chiropractic and acupuncture today).  and was send away.  He set up a clinic and mandated that everyone wash their hands.  The mortality rate dropped and people flocked to the clinic where your survival was more likely.
Other doctors took notice.  They came to see what the big deal was and what he was doing that was so ‘revolutionary’ .  Dr. Semmelweis was fired for using non proven and non scientific procedures.  This was just around the time of the germ theory was developing.  No such thing as Penicillin was even thought of yet.  All of that, only 175 years or so back.  Remember, even ‘modern’  Western medicine is barely out of the dark ages.
The next time your medical doctor (or any health care provider) tells you something you are doing for your health is a bunch of ‘hooey’, just remember Dr. Semmelweis.
He died in an asylum at the age of 47… from sepsis (infection) after being beaten there… yay Allopaths!
Do your own homework, get good info, use your common sense, ask around.  There are LOTS of ways to treat things.  In chiropractic history, we had a motto…
‘Anything can cause anything and anything can cure anything…’  (in other words, sometimes you just don’t know…)

With health and healing for you…
Dr. Sean
 Dr. Sean at Natural BodyWorks in Parker Colorado is a holistic healer, chiropractor, acupuncturist and dry needle practitioner.    He produces these videos to help patients and friends live better more comfortable lives.  A little levity and education go a long way in his opinion.  All information is original, and opinion of Dr. Sean Thompson for educational purposes only.  Any background music or visuals are incidental and not copyrighted.  Comments and questions are welcomed, and will be responded to as soon as possible.  Dr. Sean runs The Natural BodyWorks in Parker Colorado, has been practicing for over 20 years and is available daily at his office.  Thanks!

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog

Twenty.. things make the difference between the Covid-19 (Corona Virus) and the Spanish flu of 1918

Today marks a day of insanity, people, regular people are starting to panic and over buy, over react, over simplify the information. This can be a very slippery slope.

Here's ten facts to calm you down about this stupid Corona (Covid-19) thing... Here is the difference between this and the Spanish Flu of 1918 that killed more than 60 million.
in fact, a large part of my family died because of this flu. Their tombstones can be seen in our family cemetery outside of Ardmore Oklahoma...

1. Washing your hands is the easy way to keep from spreading and getting it. People did not know that then. In fact, washing your hands effectively was only popular among medical doctors for around 30 years... LOL (Look up Ignaz Semmelweis)
2. There were no antiviral drugs (effective or not)
3. There were no antihistamines available.
4. Antibiotics (even though not appropriate for flu, but are useful when secondary infections hit) were not invented for another 25 years
5. There was not any oxygen therapy widely available like today.
6. It was common to prescribe opium/morphine but that is a respiratory depressant and kills you faster.
7. Viruses were still largely studied in academics and not for the general population to even have a remedial understanding of, so few knew how it was transmitted, its longevity outside the body etc...
8. Spanish flu was a novel H1N1 virus, not that that helps us but the Human Corona Virus has been known and studied for years. We are way ahead on this one...
9. In 1918 when soldiers came down with the flu they were sent home, not put in quarantine. We don't do that now... well, Iran did let prisoners go to stop spread, let's see what happens there.
10. Profits will be huge for whom ever finds the first vaccine. Remember the germ theory was only 'proposed' in 1877... we have again, come a long long way from that.
11 - There were at least three major famines in the world just as this 1918 flu started (Russia, Iran, India), that killed off many and weakened many so they had poor immune responses...
12 This was JUST after WWI there was plenty of problems then all over Europe (crops were delayed, rebuilding had to be done, famine was close, disease was common). A huge problem we luckily do not have.
13... We are jumping the gun with stats, most if not all flu problems burn out within a year (see 1918 flu) we cannot count our chickens before they hatch. Comparing how this is going compared to other disease is not a good idea. The stats are all in on many (Swine flu, Bird flu etc) So be mindful but do not panic.
14. Chiropractic has shown that it can help the body remain resilient during this type of epidemic. Chiropractic helped many during the 1918 flu... They gave no medicines but made sure that people had fluids, and were comfortable and adjusted the spine. This increased the release of phlegm and opened the chest and loosened tight muscles around the chest as well. It also helped the sympathetic system and parasympathetic system to come into balance.
15. One of the biggest treatments of medicine was Aspirin, this made it a near panacea but had side effects that basically caused as much harm as good in some people.
16. A vaccine, when and if developed is not a cure. Once you have the virus you will have it. You will go through the symptoms. However a vaccine delivered well enough before you contract the virus will help you fight it off with fewer or no symptoms. There is no vaccine YET.
17. The Spanish flu had to run its course, just like all the ones since. If you are healthy, try and stay that way. Stressing out will not help you.
18. Cinnamon and milk was one of medicines best bets at the time. See how we have progressed?
19. Remember, 'The same people who sell the panic sell the pill'
20. GO wash your hands, cover your mouth if you cough, take Zinc. It actually helps against respiratory viruses.. take the rest of your supplements too, they cannot hurt. Avoid thinking in that fearful FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) when it comes to buying stupid stuff like spam and toilet paper. Simple...
(note: if I get this and die, I retract everything... LOL)

Moved and downsized.

 Now for the rest of the story... In late August our landlord, Harvey passed away after a short illness.  He was a great friend and person I...