How do you know that adjustment was a good one?

Click, Clack, Clunk...  Grading an adjustment

I have been practicing chiropractic for about 20 years now and have been exposed to, and taught a number of techniques to help realign and stabilize joints in the body.
One thing I have noticed is that none of the techniques* I have learned or studied have a grading system for the adjustments.  Mostly it tends to be a functional matter; pain decreases, mobility increases, etc.  But each adjustment can be so different and get the exact same results.  Likewise, the same adjustment, even on the same person, can get different results each time.  I generally use what is called a "diversified" technique, which really is not a technique at all, but a collection of procedures to move a vertebrae or other joint where you think and feel it should go.  Most of the time, we get a 'pop', but not always.
When doing such adjustments (especially the spine) I am always looking for how well it worked.  I have my own grading system... the "click, clack, clunk" range.  When you perform a simple P-A adjustment (pushing on the back when the patient is face down) you typically get a sound as the joint 'cavitates' (More on that later).  This results in  a click if it is a surface joint, like the facets, a 'clack' if it is a deeper joint like the rib head or neck, and a distinct 'Clunk' with the deeper part, that being the disc.
Now, I have absolutely no research on this, and there are no studies that I know of that have researched if this is at all true.  But, empirically, IN MY experience I see this as true.   I figure I have done well over 75,000 adjustments in my career and that is what I base my info here on.  I have also found that when we get the 'Clunk' the patient almost always has a great release of tension and takes a much needed and happy sigh.

Having said all that, the Click, Clack, or Clunk are really just sounds.  I prefer to get the right sound at the right time for the right reason.  This is all about personal preference of the patient, their goal for treatment and my sense of the issue at hand.  Sometimes a 'clunk' would be a bad idea for someone that has never felt a real adjustment before, or for someone that has lots of pain.  Again, I use common sense, compassion and experience...
We must also understand though, an 'audible' or pop, click, clack, or clunk is NOT at all necessary to have a good result.  In fact, many techniques offer no such sound but have all the benefit of the later.  Since anyone can push or hug someone and get a pop, that is not really doing an adjustment.  An adjustment is a very specific intentional movement of a joint just past it's fixation point.  Sometimes now called a 'High Velocity, Low Amplitude' (HVLA) manipulation, or in the physical therapy sense, a grade 5 manipulation or mobilization.  To perform these types of treatments takes great skill and practice as well as a keen sense of anatomy of the area and possible pathological issues that may make the adjustment/treatment contraindicated...  Most are pretty obvious and do not need to be reviewed.

Feel free to contact me at 720-325-9886 or send me an email with any questions or comments.  Thanks!
Techniques that are used by chiropractors vary as wide as personalities it seems.  You can find a list anywhere.  Here are some that I use; Diversified, Gonstead, Full Spine Specific, Meric, Thompson, Cox Flexion Distraction, SOT, Activator, Motion Palpation, English Bone Setting, Tui Na, Mobilization, among others...
Of the techniques I use these are the ones that usually have no audible sound; SOT, Activator, and English Bone Setting.

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
               Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…

Not responsible for you, you are. 

Chemotherapy and acupuncture

Thinking of getting acupuncture for the effects of chemotherapy?  Well in Parker Colorado you can.

Nausea from Chemotherapy: When people are under treatment for any cancer the drugs can wreak havoc on the body’s systems.  Nausea is a main complaint (along with fatigue and other not so fun stuff). Acupuncture (along with some easy home care stuff) can greatly reduce the symptoms and let you get back to life quicker.  For quick results it is recommended that you come in for around 8 visits over 12 weeks. I even like to add in some ‘self-physiologic control practice and training’ (basically meditation techniques to help you better tune into your body and control it.)  There are also some great self-care tricks I can teach you.  Acupuncture also helps get your energy level back to normal, instead of that wonky fatigue heavy feeling.  Let’s be real though, not everyone can benefit from just a few visits, and healing takes time. Check out the articles I found below for more information. 
Acupuncture is only $60 a visit, and to make it even better, we have plans that make the per-visit charge even cheaper.  Probably a good investment to feel more normal.  Call or text for an appointment 720-325-9886
Well the next question is how it works.  Best we can surmise is, first of all, it relaxes you.  This is an essential part of any healing process.  There may also be benefit from the stimulation of the mediators of inflammation and healing.  In the process of acupuncture you get little red marks around the needle point insertion.  This is a histamine response and is actually a wake up call to your immune system.  

Acupuncture also works on a very subtle form of energy we can call Chi or Ki.  Simply said, it is the energy that on can feel and manipulate.  It surrounds everything, and even goes through it.  You CAN feel it if you practice.  It is not as hooey as you would think.  In fact.  There is a way with acupuncture to really focus that energy and healing power, redirect it to where it is deficient.  

The way I do a treatment is to first set the stage.  We need a cozy and warm place that smells nice.  Not too much like a clinic.  With chemotherapy you have had more than enough of the smell of gloves and rubbing alcohol.  You will be instructed to lie on your back and breathe using the diaphragm.  The needles will be placed (ouchlessly) in very specific spots to get just the results we want, whether that is for the nausea or fatigue or to improve general vitality.  Then a warm stone is placed on your belly to help you focus your breathing and really enhance the healing energies where we need them.  This is totally YOUR time.  I will come back a couple times during the treatment to help guide your thoughts back to the process and to manipulate the needles.  

When I manipulate the needles I am trying to refocus your mind both consciously and subconsciously on the points and the energy.  

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
               Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are. 

Acupuncture for allergies

Allergies: With 12 treatments over 2 months and you can significantly reduce your allergy symptoms without the use of antihistamines!   Using a set of specific points and techniques, acupuncture can reduce the frequency of allergy attacks and help your antihistamines work better, meaning you will have to take less. (Taking less drugs is a good thing!)  Let’s be real though, not everyone can benefit from just a few visits, and healing takes time.  Also consider cupping for the detoxification benefits! Take a look at these articles for more information!

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
               Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.

Offices are located in Parker, Colorado

There is no Flu Season

No Flu Season.

No season for a jab
So recently, there has been lots of talk about ‘Flu Season’.  People urging others to get the flu shot, other people pleading with others not to.  What is a holistic practitioner to do? 
Typically flu ‘season’ is from October to May, with a peak in February.   Like ‘Fire Season’ there is really no set dates it all of the sudden starts and stops.  You can get the flu virus infection literally any time of the year. 
In fact, I got a doozy of the flu last August!  I had to close the office for almost a week to recover, but that is another story I will tell you later.
Influenza is a virus.  Antibiotics do not work on a virus. 
Why are we so scared of a little virus?  Check out the flu pandemic (Pan means worldwide) of 1918. (Site:   The Spanish Flu was brought to the US by soldiers returning from WWI.
Remember, in 1918 (100 years ago) there was NO antibiotics, no antivirals, none of the common chemical and technological conveniences we now have.  In fact, many people in the United States had no indoor toilets, or electricity. (The light bulb was barely 40 years old).  Some accounts state up to 100 million people died of this flu outbreak. 
Today, even though the effectiveness of the flu shot is as low as 10% and possibly as good as 60% they (‘they’ as in pharmaceutical companies, and health organizations) still keep saying it is not too late nor too risky to get the flu shot. 
Let’s take a look at the numbers.  Just the math…  New strains of shots are developed twice a year, and sometimes they miss the mark on which strain would be active.  In 2016-17 the CDC stated that the effectiveness was 42%.  But what you didn’t know is that many people use natural or alternative methods (complimentary methods like herbs, vitamins, and home remedies) as well as had the shot.  How many of them are accounted for?  None.  Therefore the total effectiveness of the flu shot cannot possibly be as high as stated. 

The influenza virus is a living being. 
Therefore it has the ‘will’ to survive and adapt, hide or get around regardless of our efforts.  If you don’t believe that, just try and get rid of bed bugs, cockroaches, mice or even garden weeds.  You can see how difficult it is.  The vaccination you get has either been deactivated or killed but there is still something out there that is at work…
In 2016-17 the CDC reported that 34% of adults 18 years old to 64 years old got the flu shot (some reports show 42 %+/-) so let’s see what that actually means.
There are 325,719,178 +/- people in the United States (last census, accounting for growth etc. to 2017) 28% under the age of 18, 15% over the age of 65… that leaves 57% between the ages of 18-65.  Accounting for about 186,659,951 people in that range… whew… (Almost done)… if 40% (let’s be generous) got the shot.  That is 74,400,000!
But wait… there’s more.  About 83% of people in the age group (18-65) take supplements… On the other hand… There are about 2% of those that got the shot that have a serious problem with it… Guillain-Barre Syndrome (basically get paralyzed) (Site for reference: ) that is about 7-14 MILLION people… WHAT????  Check the math… Don’t freak out yet.  There are many ways you can get this condition, including just having the flu…   (Can we not win?)  Only about 3% will die from GBS… well, too many indeed.  That is, IF it is diagnosed and reported as GBS and not some other disease. 
Other bad reactions to the flu shot can be found ad-nauseum all over the web.  But let’s take a step back.  How can you not get the flu?  Number one, stay away from other people and all the things they touch, wash, don’t breathe, live in a bubble etc.…  c’mon you see the trend?  We are closing the door after the horse has escaped. 
Building resistance.  Remember that 83% that take vitamins and supplements?  Get on that band wagon.  There are far more benefits of maintaining a healthy body than hoping the jab will do.  I do not encourage nor discourage people getting the flu shot.  I do not get it, never have.  Yea, I have had the flu… but I was ok.  This past year, it turns out 7 of the 8 people that got the flu and DIED had received the injection…!  YIKES… (here is the site:   and
OK, so what else?  The CDC does not keep records on those that have died AND took the flu shot, and most death certificates have no place nor ability to determine such cases.  Largely they are written in as complications of the flu.  (Pneumonia). 
But back to math… guhhhhh…   Deaths from the flu last year were about 36,000… Seeing that 40% got the flu shot, you are looking at about 12,600 that died even though they got the shot.  It is not a serious help.    Commonly it is blamed on a different strain, co-morbidity etc.  However, we have to look logically and not so emotionally nor ‘scientifically dogmatic’ (I put the math in for those people.) 
Taking all that into account, you will either get the flu or not, you will either die from it or not.  It is funny to me that when people get the flu and have had the shot it is always stated that ‘at least it wasn’t as bad as if you didn’t get the shot’ how the hell do you know?  Parallel universe travel!?
So, don’t get the flu!  Anything you can do to help, helps your odds.  So what can you do?  
In Acupuncture and Oriental medicine there are plenty of ways to fight it.  From exercises (Qi Gong) to herbal stews, teas and patches to one of my favorites, CUPPING.
Cupping has been touted as ‘The Chinese Flu Shot’ but I hate using that term, because it is not just China but all over the world that cupping is used.  Cupping before or during a flu season helps you fight it off naturally, and if you do get it, it does make you feel better.  No side effects! 
Chiropractic for the flu?  Well, no.  Any chiropractic treatment for the flu itself is just a dumb idea.  Getting adjustments for general health is a great idea.  It is a pretty well known among both chiropractors and osteopaths that manipulations helped during the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic.  Many cite really good results and even fewer deaths than allopaths.  I don’t know how much of it is myth and how much is truth.  I cannot find any documentation, it has been mostly handed down to osteopaths and chiropractors in story.
Getting adjustments does help the immune system as well as your own resilience to emotional, mental, chemical and physical stress.  Here is one example of how chiropractic manipulations of the spine can affect immunity.   By making sure that the muscles are loose and the joints around the spine are in good moving order, the body becomes more at ease and therefore better prepared to fight infection all by itself, just like it was designed.

Go ahead and take your vitamins.  I would suggest more Zinc (slows the reproduction of the virus) (Site reference If you look it up you will see that most of the time Zinc is for colds.  Three is really not much difference to you or me, so go for it.  (Site reference:
Wash your hands, cover your mouth, stay warm and dry, get good rest, eat good food, drink water.  Stay away from things that reduce your immune response; stress, cold, over work, alcohol, and other vices.  In other words, the best defense is a good offense.  Stay well…
Also take plenty of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) and vitamin D3 (it helps with hormone, and immune factors that your body builds and needs to fight infections) 
Physiology and practice guidelines for pneumatic cupping.  I do explain a bit about how it works.   
Here is a recap:  The cup is placed on the back usually, with an active infection you put more on the upper back near the lung fields.   The suction pulls the skin up and causes a negative pressure vacuum.  This draws the skin up and fluids out of their places; veins, venuoles, arterioles, capillaries, interstitial spaces, lymph spaces, and intercellular spaces.   This fluid being brought into the ‘wrong’ place makes the body react with a response of inflammation regulation, swelling, and new fluid flow into the area.
The flu is a respiratory dis ease process.  It affects the whole body but the lungs are especially affected.  In acupuncture theory we say it is an invasion of cold wind or air into the usually hot interior of the body.  When this happens.
Recently, there is new info on the measles outbreaks in both Western United States as well as in the central Phillipines (Visaya).   Everyone wants to blame a few people who have not been vaccinated when that is really not a correct stance.  Remember when I mentioned that a virus is a living being with a ‘will’ to survive?  Well it wants to continue on and will adapts where and when it can.  For example, in 1987 in Texas an outbreak of measles happened in a vaccinated community.  Statistics showed 99 percent of that population was vaccinated for measles.  Yet, NOT every non vaccinated person got the measles, and as many as 12% of the students that were vaccinated came down with the measles.   Of course, there is a waning effect on all vaccines, but that cannot be determined and is not the reason for that and other outbreaks.  There are many conditions to consider not only in a community of people but also in individuals, the environment as well as the season.    This year, 2019 there have been just over 80 cases of measles reported (remember the population of the United States is over 300 million) With the current vaccination rates around only 70% of the population, that puts about 100 million at risk, but only 80 or so cases have been reported.  Why? 
Well, one reason is the general vitality and health of the individuals, the cleanliness of communities compared to ‘the past’ and other factors such as improving treatment (even though typical treatment is to rest and wait it out…)
This outbreak was both a battle cry for both pro vaccine people that simply wanted more vaccinations.  (Often fueled by panic and well worded press releases from pharmaceutical bodies) as well as for the so called anti-vaxxers that claim all sorts of mishaps because of vaccinations. 

We also have to look at the history of disease to determine the communal anxiety surrounding them.  The Flu was highlighted by the 1918 outbreak that did kill millions.  Vaccines were not available then.  Diets were relatively terrible and sanitation was an issue for many in the United States.  Remember, most people were still rather rural and horses still outnumbered cars.   Then there is measles, which if you look back at the word ‘measles’ means pustule in old Dutch and eventually became synonymous with Leprosy.  Leprosy is a terribly disfiguring disease that caused many societies to ban those infected to islands or areas away from the general public.  We still have a hint of that panic in us today.   Leprosy (also known as Hansen’s disease) is from a slow growing bacterium, not a virus.  It is highly contagious but much more treatable now.  Only about 60 cases were even reported in the United States in 2015.  Again, it is largely due to better hygiene, living conditions, diet and sanitation.  There is and has been no vaccine for Leprosy. 
There are many non-allopathic (that is the term for Western medicine doctors, allopath) treatments for any ailment.  Some are complete hooey, and some are well known and even studied.  However, one you can make money on is by far more studied and ‘verified’ than any ‘folk remedy’ or wives tale. 
I would suggest using both.  It is fine to use a screw driver to put in a screw but easier if you use an electric one or a drill with a screw driver bit. Right?  Use the best tool available, but don’t only rely on that.  There are far more risks in doing nothing than there are going to an allopath, getting a medication and using the tried and true traditional remedies.  It is the result you are after not the process.
In the end, you are the one responsible for your own health.  If there is an outbreak of something, don’t go there.  Stay healthy in the first place.  Get the shots if you want, but don’t assume anyone else should or has and don’t assume that it worked if they did.  Having ‘blind faith’ is no more a cure than doing nothing.  Keep yourself healthy.  That is the best start.

Many times the vaccines are no where close to being as effective as a placebo.  For example, this year 2019 the CDC published, like it always does, the stats on effectiveness.  There is some good info and stats there.  Check it out here.
I am not saying get a jab or not,  it is totally your decision.  However, having blind faith in 'science' because it is scientific is as dumb as listening to a seer to determine your future.  Good food for thought but that should be about it.


Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
               Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.

Enzymes for inflammation

Enzymes for inflammation

Many people know and understand that enzymes are useful in weight loss as well as for digestion.  However, there is a little known super benefit of some enzymes.  They can help with inflammation including arthritis, sinusitis, and ...

First of all we have to understand what we are talking about.  Enzymes are actually proteins made by certain cell organs called organelles.  More specifically they are made by a little cell organ called the rough endoplasmic reticulum.  The Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum merely means it appears rough under a microscope and that it is inside the plasma or gel that makes the cell matrix.  The 'reticulum' part means the same as a reticulated python, you know those big snakes?  They do not commonly coil but instead just fold up, reticulated.   Anyway, that little organelle (little organ) makes proteins for a living depending on what the nucleus of the cell determines based on the DNA of the cell.  It could be a hormone, a neurotransmitter, a lipid fat, a carbohydrate or even an enzyme.

Enzymes are proteins. Well, most of them are, the enzymes we are talking about here are.   There are at least 50,000 kinds of enzymes that make all your metabolic actions run smoothly.  In fact, you cannot live without enzymes.  Most are what are called catalysts.  Catalysts are things that speed up a reaction.  Think of gasoline as a catalyst to a fire.  It speeds ups a reaction that is already occurring. 

Most of us know enzymes are used to help digest food.  It is pretty well accepted that your enzymes for digestion start to decrease in quality and quantity after about age 35.  This is why some foods will bother you more after 35, especially foods eaten late.  I used to have an 'iron stomach' could eat a hearty meal at ten at night then sleep like a baby.  Now, if I eat heavy red meats after 7:00 p.m. I will be up half the night with some sort of gastric distress. 

Interesting fact.  Pepsi, derived in part from the word pepsin which is an enzyme your pancreas makes to help you digest proteins once was a digestive elixir.  Enzymes have been known for a long time to help digestion.  Pepsi has been on the market since 1898!  To help a condition called dyspepsia.  (basically indigestion, or not digesting well).

Basically, enzymes are proteins, they may help you in many chemical functions of your body including digestion.  Here I will show you how they can help with inflammation.

Now that we understand a little more about enzymes, we can now look at inflammation.
Inflammation is a natural process your body goes through constantly.  Whenever there is an injury to the body the infammatory process begins.  It is controlled by certain white blood cells that help you maintain a good chemical balance in your body. 

Inflammation on a bigger scale has four main signs we can see.  If you get poked by a thorn there is a reaction... actually there are four reactions going on.   In Latin we learned them as Rubor, Calor, Dolor and Edema.  In plain English that is Redness, Heat, Pain and Swelling, respectively.

When there is an injury like a poke from a thorn, white blood cells called Mast Cells, they make and release heparin which reduces blood clotting so things can get to where they need to and histamine which attracts other cells called Macrophages (big eaters) to help in the clean up of an injury and damage. 

Enzymes help this process along and help in the cleanup and repair of the tissues that were damaged.   Some enzymes help those macrophages eat faster or more so they can do more work, some help with repair and others can slow down other process we want to hold for a bit.  These are generally the proteolytic enzymes. 

I had been prescribing patients enzymes for digestion for years before I really looked into the inflammation process and how enzymes can help.  In the 1990's it was still kind of considered a bunch of hooey that nutritional supplements can do much.  There are still some that think that way, but now with more studies and experience (empirical evidence) we are starting to see more acceptance of what works and why.   I was speaking with some friends about their dog which was having problems with some food allergies and fur and skin troubles.  This dog was a big guy and was pretty old so he was showing some slowing down because of arthritis.  They had started giving him enzymes for digestion originally and then noticed that he was doing better on all fronts in just a couple weeks.  They were giving the enzymes as treats, because they were chew-able.  I too was giving my dogs some enzymes commonly for digestion mostly because they liked the smell and taste.  When ever I was taking them they begged me for them.   

Here is a list of some of the most useful enzymes for inflammation.
Protease (breaks up proteins), Papain (from Papaya, good for proteins), Bromelain (from pineapple, a big anti inflammation helper),  Amylase (for carbohydrates and sugars), Amylogucosidase ( ), Celluase (helps with cellulose, the cell walls of plants), Invertase (Changes sucrose to a more usable sugar for cells), Pectinase (helps break down pectin that is in apples and most fruits ), Lactinase (works on Lactose which is a sugar common in dairy ), and Lipase (for lipids and fats).  These main ones not only help you with basic digestion of what you eat, but also help with many processes that can help individual cells.   Some help with reducing the swelling (edema) or maybe increasing blood flow (remember heparin and histamine from the Mast cells?) 

Ok, so now we know more about enzymes and what they can do as well as what inflammation is.  Now what?  Well, I have worked with a company called Xymogen to produce a product just for inflammation AND digestion.  I call it 'Inflamma-Zyme'  It has all the enzymes I mentioned and more! 

I have been getting patients that have had surgeries on it, improving their healing times.  I have prescribed it for people that have chronic muscle tension and even fibromyalgia with really good success.  I don't push supplements at my office.  I do offer them and so far, almost everybody comes back and buys more.  Because it works for them. 

You don't have to buy my supplement, but I would appreciate it.  You could also simply clean up your diet and add foods that naturally have those enzymes or the building blocks of the enzymes. 

So think of these questions if you are considering starting enzymes-
Are you over 35 and have noticed digestion just 'aint' what it used to be?
Do you feel bloated? (That is a sign of inflammation)
Do you have arthritis?  Sinusitis? Fibromyalgia?
Even Ileitis, colitis, gastritis, hepatitis... (Notice the pattern?  Pretty much any word that ends in 'itis' is an inflammation process.
Do you have chronic muscle pains in the back or shoulders?  or pretty much anywhere.
Do you get dyspepsia?

Now, if you answered yes to at least two of those I think your are a great candidate, but don't think it is a panacea (a medicine that cures everything) because it is not.  The body and each condition is very unique and needs a real good look to really be understood.  Enzymes like these can help, but they may only be a small part of a much bigger set of supplements and even medicines you may need to get your body back to its best functioning.

If you want the enzymes that I have from my office you can come on in and pick up a bottle, or contact me via email and we can make sure you get a bottle or two my mail.  They are $23.00 + Shipping and handling which will depend on where you live.    You will get a bottle of 60 vegetarian caps from my very own label:  Dr. Sean's Formulas!

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
               Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.


Migraine and acupuncture

Migraines, Headaches and Neck pain: Acupuncture twice a week for six weeks and your migraines go away. The results are even quicker when you add in chiropractic.  Acupuncture addresses the chemical issues of muscle strain and tightness as well as endorphin release (endorphins are those feel good relaxing chemicals your body makes).  It also helps harmonize your internal and external energies along with improving blood flow.  Chiropractic adjustments help to get the joints in proper alignment so that muscles can do their jobs and keep you feeling relaxed.  Let’s be real though, not everyone can benefit from just a few visits, and healing takes time.  To reduce the number of migraines you have every month, and find yourself more relaxed, check out this article for more information.  Stress is a major contributor.  Learning how to recognize what stresses you and how it does and then how to better adapt and control your own stress is essential.   Consider our meditation training too! 
We offer combination treatments, only $75 each or we have special schedule pricing to reduce costs and have you feeling better quicker.  Call or text for an appointment 720-325-9886

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
               Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.

How washing your hands became a ritual in medicine.

semmelweis_custom-8b5f0f746bf92d785b4a789a8c94c8e986a62dd6-s400-c85Dr. Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis was a physician.  A gynecologist by trade and was fired as a doctor and had his license taken away for malpractice.  This was, of all things for washing his hands... In the 1840's-70's doctors were mostly interested in surgeries, sound familiar to now???  They did not, as a practice wash their hands, but wiped their hands on a dirty towel or their apron or coat.  Imagine, this is the time of many great wars and surgeons were responsible for most of the care of the wounded.  That care consisted of amputation.  A good saw, a couple assistants to hold the poor fellow down while you go at it.  Then cauterised the wound, cover it in hot wax to seal it and hope for the best.  No wonder so many in the American Civil war died of infection.
This doctor, Semmelweis was trying to improve the survive-ability of his patients that had just given birth.  He had tried to go after the lowest hanging fruit, the most obvious and easy things to change.  He changed the way that women gave birth, on their backs instead of on their sides...  He changed the environment, sounds, lighting etc.  With no success.
Then he started to wash his hands.
Some accounts say water and hot sand, some say chlorine bleach solution.  Either way... it worked.  His patient's mortality dropped significantly.  He was ridiculed for doing something not 'approved', or even studied... (Sounds like chiropractic and acupuncture today).  and was send away.  He set up a clinic and mandated that everyone wash their hands.  The mortality rate dropped and people flocked to the clinic where your survival was more likely.
Other doctors took notice.  They came to see what the big deal was and what he was doing that was so 'revolutionary' .  Dr. Semmelweis was fired for using non proven and non scientific procedures.  This was just around the time of the germ theory was developing.  No such thing as Penicillin was even thought of yet.  All of that, only 175 years or so back.  Remember, even 'modern'  Western medicine is barely out of the dark ages.
The next time your medical doctor (or any health care provider) tells you something you are doing for your health is a bunch of 'hooey', just remember Dr. Semmelweis.
He died in an asylum at the age of 47... from sepsis (infection) after being beaten there... yay Allopaths!  (Allopath is a medical doctor here in the West.  Basically means to treat with the opposites.  Cool that which is hot, dry that which is wet, etc. )
Do your own homework, get good info, use your common sense, ask around.  There are LOTS of ways to treat things.  In chiropractic history, we had a motto...
'Anything can cause anything and anything can cure anything...'  (in other words, sometimes you just don't know...)

With health and healing for you...
Dr. Sean

Dr. Sean at Natural BodyWorks in Parker Colorado is a holistic healer, chiropractor, acupuncturist and dry needle practitioner.    He produces these videos to help patients and friends live better more comfortable lives.  A little levity and education go a long way in his opinion.  All information is original, and opinion of Dr. Sean Thompson for educational purposes only.  Any background music or visuals are incidental and not copyrighted.  Comments and questions are welcomed, and will be responded to as soon as possible.  Dr. Sean runs The Natural BodyWorks in Parker Colorado, has been practicing for over 20 years and is available daily at his office.  Thanks!

Phone: 720- 325 9886
Address:  12539 N. Highway 83, Unit B
               Parker Colorado 80134

Here is the text for the Gall Bladder cleanse, you can also see it on my blog

The information in these videos are for education only, there is no intent to diagnose, treat or render an opinion.  Any incidental diagrams, drawings, music, video, or other recording are used under the copyright fair use for education and or satire.  Use your own brain, go see a qualified provider if there is any question…
Not responsible for you, you are.

Smudging for cleaning the energy of you and your space

Smudging to center your healing…

Smudge 1How to smudge yourself and your space: To become centered, stabilized and cleared. 
Smudge sticks (Palo Santo or Sage), used by peoples in the West for millennia as a ceremonial and routine way to help them feel centered, healed, whole as well connected to the Universe.  It has properties to help inspire creativity, deepen the connection to ‘divine’, grounding, and aid in physical as well as emotional healing.   Some people have hesitation using smudge because it seems too esoteric, heretical, or just weird.   I have chosen to present it as a way to become clear on an intention you set for yourself or your home.  This way we can use more of the senses to get some concept going in our lives… This procedure we use sight, scent, movement, and sound to anchor our minds in the intention we set.  It is a symbolic way to use this very effective and powerful tool for emotional healing, spiritual development and intent to make the world a little better.
To smudge follow these steps, you can modify them as you please, but this was the traditional way I was taught by ‘senior healers’ I have chosen over my life.
You will need:  a candle, a lighter, a fire or heat proof dish or holder for the lit smudge, Sage or Palo Santo  (many herbs can be used.  Consider also using sweet-grass etc…)  Optionally, use a feather to waft the smoke.  I use my hand, as I find it not as mindful, useful or respectful of other life to use parts of another being… This is also why I do not advocate nor use an abalone shell… etc.
Light the candle and set it where you choose to begin.  Take a moment to be still.  Always use the breath, concentrate on the whole cycle of breathing with a special notice of the stillness of the top of the breath.
Light the end of the stick/bundle with a candle, leave the candle in the starting place.  let the smudge stick burn out to a smolder or waft it with the opposite hand you are holding it with, be mindful not to hit it, do not blow on it as it may spread embers.  Allow the smoke to rise.  It is best to have a fire proof tray or dish to hold it in or set it in.  You can hold it in your hand though.   Give a moment to silently watch the smoke rise.  Do this with an open contemplative mind.  Next, set your intention for why you are ‘smudging’.  Cleansing, clearing, centering, protecting, healing, etc…

IMG_20180602_122007Start anywhere in your house, go to each corner and waft the smoke in three clock-wise circles, then, move to the next corner (clockwise)… You can go to each room this way, ending in the same room you started in.  It helps to keep the intention when wafting the smoke, repeat it quietly or to yourself.  When you are done with the space smudging, grasp (with a cupped hand) the smoke and ‘wash’ your entire body, starting and ending with the area around your heart.  Continue repeating your intention, BE with that intention in your heart or mind.  Once done you can let the Sage or Palo Santo burn a little longer or tamp it out with sand…do not use water.
Keep the smudge stick dry, mindfully dispose of any ash left on the ground outside. (Returning the intention to source).   This is best done at the New Moon or Full Moon times of the month.
For more information, please see our blog or YouTube channel: Thenaturalbodyworks.

Moved and downsized.

 Now for the rest of the story... In late August our landlord, Harvey passed away after a short illness.  He was a great friend and person I...